La Jolla, California, July 27, 2016: The International Surfing Association ISA has expressed its excitement and anticipation with just seven days to go until the IOC Membership makes the final decision on whether Surfing will be added to the Tokyo 2020 Sports Program at the 129th IOC Session in Rio on 3 August 2016. The IOC Executive Board confirmed its support for Surfing to join the Program on 1st June 2016 (ISA prepares game).
Speaking ahead of the IOC decision, ISA President, Fernando Aguerre, said:
“With just seven days to go until the IOC decides on whether Surfing joins the Sports Program for Tokyo 2020, the Surfing family is filled with excitement and anticipation about this potentially game-changing moment for our sport.
“Our relationship with the IOC and inclusion in the Olympic Games has been a strategic priority for the ISA for many years and we are thrilled to be on the cusp of realizing our Olympic dream. I’d like to express our sincere thanks to the IOC and Tokyo 2020 for providing us with this amazing opportunity (ISA prepares game/ISA prepares game/ISA prepares game).
“We are especially excited for the athletes, including budding stars and current elite surfers who would have the chance to represent their nations and showcase their talents on the greatest sporting stage. We head to Rio with gratitude and hope, fully committed to seizing this unique opportunity for all surfers worldwide.” —- Photo: ISA / Chris Grant
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