Anti-Doping in Sport: Anti Doping Lab Qatar, Taking drugs to enhance performance is contrary to the fundamental values and principles of sport. Doping is abuse of performance enhancing substances in elite sport. It derived from the Dutch word “dop”, a beverage that Zulu warriors used prior to battle. Term became current ~ start of 20th century in reference to illegal drugging of racehorses.
That’s why doping is not acceptable in any form in sport and should be condemned by all participants and promoters of sport. To take drugs or use doping methods to enhance performance or to assist someone in doping is cheating.
Historical perspective 300 BC the Greeks ate “substances” to improve athletic performance including Hallucinogenic mushrooms, sesame seeds and animal protein 1890 concoctions of strychnine and wine used in sports 1935 Testosterone Synthesized 1960s Amphetamines used in cycling-causing death of several cyclists 1970s systematic drug program by German Democratic Republic (GDR- East Germany) – many athletes given drugs without knowledge or consent 1980s Blood doping (Reinfusion) heavily used Note:
LA Olympics many athletes tested positive for anabolic steroids, some (9) positives disappeared from the laboratory 1990s and beyond EPO, HGH and Beta blockers (slow down heart rate), although steroids remain prevalent.
About ADLQ Project:
The (ADLQ) Anti Doping Lab Qatar is the first specialized Anti Doping Laboratory in the region and it’s designed to be state of the art, environmentally sound and will be equipped and staff with the best of this field.
The design for the Anti Doping Laboratory Qatar is completed, and the ground breaking ceremony is today 16th of March 2010. The constrictions’ progress will be as following:-
The first package which includes substructure and superstructure are expected to be completed by the end of September 2010. The second package of the project which includes architecture, civil, and finishes is expected to be completed by 9th of August 2011. Moreover the completion of it will provide anti doping testing for athletes throughout the gulf region and the whole of west Asia.
ADLQ hopes to have achieved compliance for ISO/IEC17025 accreditation and hopes to be accepted into the probationary phase by WADA (World Anti Doping Agency). ADL anticipates to be granted WADA accreditation before end of 2015.
The ADLQ mission:
The ADLQ mission is to eliminate drug use in sports and protect athletes’ health through research and testing successfully.
The World Anti-Doping Agency was created to promote, coordinate, and monitor at the international level the fight against doping in sport in all its forms. There is Only 35 labs around the world are currently accredited.
The ADLQ Facility:
The ADLQ is set-up as an independent unit with a separate governing structure from Qatar’s sporting agencies, in an effort to uphold the Olympic ideal of fair play and eliminate any conflicts.
It will be governed by an independent board, and located within Aspire zone for sports branding harmonization and benefits of functional proximity to games facilities.
We are very thankful to the young lady and Business Development Director of Anti Doping Lab Qatar (ADLQ) Ms. Mishael M. Al-Ansari, who provide us these information during our visit of Qatar. —- Abdul Rahim, Special Correspondence
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