Karachi, Pakistan, July 21, 2019: The 31st Pakistan Scrabble Championship ended here today with 14 year old Hasham Hadi Khan maintaining his grip on the trophy through out and winning the title for the first time eventually winning 21 of his 27 games.

Hasham Hadi Khan domination can be assuaged from the fact that he took an unbeatable lead and hence was gibsonised for the last game.
7 times National Champion and Pakistan No 1 Waseem Khatri made a remarkable recovery to end runners up by winning 7 of his remaining games.
Danial Sanaullah, another promising player and elder brother of former champion Sohaib Sanaullah ended third in 31st Pakistan Scrabble Championship.
Hasham Hadi’s elder twin siblings ended 5th and 6th with Muhammad Inshal managing 4th.
Inshal always the wonder kid was humble enough by stating that luck was on his side to finish 4th after a gap of 2 years.
Defending champion and Junior World champion of 2013 Moizullah Baig ended 8th.
Dr Shahid Qureshi Associate Professor and Program Director CED, IBA gave away the prizes.
About Pakistan Scrabble Association
PSA the first and yet the only registered scrabble club in Pakistan, having our registered office at Karachi, Pakistan.
We are in existance for over two decades now. It all started in 1989 when the American Center Karachi Organized the first Scrabble Championship.
That proved to be the launching pad for PSA. Our President Mrs. Goshpi Avari is the driving force behind this organization.
She gathered all the Scrabble lovers of Pakistan on one platform and threw open the doors of The Beach Luxury.
Today it is hard to think of Scrabble sans Goshpi or Beach Luxury Hotel.
PSA organizes about 12 tournaments every year including the National Championship And the Interschool Tournament. —- PSA
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