Courtesy by International Department of history Kodokan Judo Institute of Japan:
Kata (Form):
There are two principal ways of practicing Judo : Kata and Randori. Kata, which literally means “form,” is practiced following a formal system of prearranged exercise, while Randori, meaning “free exercise” is practiced freely. Kata of Judo is the best way of defense and attack in various cases, being theoretically systematized.
In the Kodokan, the following are the eight main Katas adopted;
1. NAGE-NO-KATA ( Forms of Throwing)
Three representative techniques are chosen from each of five Nagewazas.
2. KATAME-NO-KATA (Forms of Grappling or Holding)
Five model techniques are chosen from each of three Katamewazas.
3. KIME-NO-KATA (Forms of Decision)
This is to learn the most valuable techniques in an actual fight. They consist of the techniques in a kneeling position and in a standing position.
4. JU-NO-KATA (Forms of Gentleness)
The ways of attack and defense are arranged in very gentle and expressive movements.
5. THE KODOKAN GOSHIN-JUTSU (Forms of Self-Defense)
The modern technique of Self-Defense consists of empty-handed techniques and techniques with weapons.
6. ITSUTSU-NO-KATA (Forms of “Five”)
These forms are incomplete though they should have been included in the parts of the great Judo system by Prof. Kano.
7. KOSHIKI-NO-KATA (Antique forms)
Prof. Kano revised and adopted these forms so as to show the substance of Judo.
This is the form of National Physical Education.
Classification of Waza Names
Nage-Waza (67 techniques)
• Te-waza (15 techniques)
• Koshi-waza (11 techniques)
• Ashi-waza (21 techniques)
• Masutemi-waza (5 techniques)
• Yokosutemi-waza (15 techniques)
• Kyu (Former) Go Kyo no waza – Stipulated in 1895. (42 techniques)
• Go Kyo no waza – Revised in 1920. (40 techniques)
• Common waza names apt to be used incorrectly.
Katame-waza (29 techniques)
• Osaekomi-waza (7 techniques)
• Shime-waza (12 techniques)
• Kansetsu-waza (10 techniques)
• Notice
Nage-waza (67 techniques)
Numbers indicate the position inside the Go Kyo no waza (Shin-Go Kyo, stipulated in 1920).
(example: “1-1” is the 1st of Dai-ikkyo (the first kyo))
• indicates that it was included in the Kyu Go Kyo (stipulated in 1895) but was excluded when it was revised in 1920. (8 techniques)
• indicates the newly-named wazas 1(stipulated on Oct. 05, 1982).
• indicates the newly-named wazas 2 (stipulated on Apr. 01, 1997).
Te-waza (15 techniques)
1-8 Seoi-nage
2-6 Tai-Otoshi
3-8 Kata-guruma
4-4 Sukui-nage
4-8 Uki-Otoshi
5-7 Sumi-Otoshi
• Obi-Otoshi
• Seoi-Otoshi
• Yama-arashi
• Morote-gari
• Kuchiki-taoshi
• Kibisu-gaeshi
• Uchi-mata-sukashi
• Kouchi-gaeshi
• Ippon-seoi-nage
Koshi-waza (11 techniques)
1-4 Uki-goshi
1-6 O-goshi
2-3 Koshi-guruma
2-4 Tsurikomi-goshi
2-7 Harai-goshi
3-2 Tsuri-goshi
3-5 Hane-goshi
4-5 Utsuri-goshi
5-5 Ushiro-goshi
• Daki-age * not regarded as a Yuko waza in games.
• Sode-tsurikomi-goshi
Ashi-waza (21 techniques)
1-1 Deashi-harai
1-2 Hiza-guruma
1-3 Sasae-tsurikomi-ashi
1-5 Osoto-gari
1-7 Ouchi-gari
2-1 Kosoto-gari
2-2 Kouchi-gari
2-5 Okuri-ashi-harai
2-8 Uchi-mata
3-1 Kosoto-gake
3-4 Ashi-guruma
3-6 Harai-tsurikomi-ashi
4-6 O-guruma
5-1 Osoto-guruma
• Osoto-Otoshi
• Tsubame-gaeshi
• Osoto-gaeshi
• Ouchi-gaeshi
• Hane-goshi-gaeshi
• Harai-goshi-gaeshi
• Uchi-mata-gaeshi
Masutemi-waza (5 techniques)
3-7 Tomoe-nage
4-1 Sumi-gaeshi
5-6 Ura-nage
• Hikikomi-gaeshi
• Tawara-gaeshi
Softness beats hardness!
I Love Judo…..
To be continued…………………
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