File "url-helper.php"
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namespace Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers;
use Yoast\WP\SEO\Models\SEO_Links;
* A helper object for URLs.
class Url_Helper {
* Retrieve home URL with proper trailing slash.
* @param string $path Path relative to home URL.
* @param string|null $scheme Scheme to apply.
* @return string Home URL with optional path, appropriately slashed if not.
public function home( $path = '', $scheme = null ) {
$home_url = \home_url( $path, $scheme );
if ( ! empty( $path ) ) {
return $home_url;
$home_path = \wp_parse_url( $home_url, \PHP_URL_PATH );
if ( $home_path === '/' ) { // Home at site root, already slashed.
return $home_url;
if ( \is_null( $home_path ) ) { // Home at site root, always slash.
return \trailingslashit( $home_url );
if ( \is_string( $home_path ) ) { // Home in subdirectory, slash if permalink structure has slash.
return \user_trailingslashit( $home_url );
return $home_url;
* Determines whether the plugin is active for the entire network.
* @return bool Whether or not the plugin is network-active.
public function is_plugin_network_active() {
static $network_active = null;
if ( ! \is_multisite() ) {
return false;
// If a cached result is available, bail early.
if ( $network_active !== null ) {
return $network_active;
$network_active_plugins = \wp_get_active_network_plugins();
// Consider MU plugins and network-activated plugins as network-active.
$network_active = \strpos( \wp_normalize_path( \WPSEO_FILE ), \wp_normalize_path( \WPMU_PLUGIN_DIR ) ) === 0
|| \in_array( \WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/' . \WPSEO_BASENAME, $network_active_plugins, true );
return $network_active;
* Retrieve network home URL if plugin is network-activated, or home url otherwise.
* @return string Home URL with optional path, appropriately slashed if not.
public function network_safe_home_url() {
* Action: 'wpseo_home_url' - Allows overriding of the home URL.
\do_action( 'wpseo_home_url' );
// If the plugin is network-activated, use the network home URL.
if ( self::is_plugin_network_active() ) {
return \network_home_url();
return \home_url();
* Check whether a url is relative.
* @param string $url URL string to check.
* @return bool True when url is relative.
public function is_relative( $url ) {
return ( \strpos( $url, 'http' ) !== 0 && \strpos( $url, '//' ) !== 0 );
* Gets the path from the passed URL.
* @param string $url The URL to get the path from.
* @return string The path of the URL. Returns an empty string if URL parsing fails.
public function get_url_path( $url ) {
if ( \is_string( $url ) === false
&& ( \is_object( $url ) === false || \method_exists( $url, '__toString' ) === false )
) {
return '';
return (string) \wp_parse_url( $url, \PHP_URL_PATH );
* Gets the host from the passed URL.
* @param string $url The URL to get the host from.
* @return string The host of the URL. Returns an empty string if URL parsing fails.
public function get_url_host( $url ) {
if ( \is_string( $url ) === false
&& ( \is_object( $url ) === false || \method_exists( $url, '__toString' ) === false )
) {
return '';
return (string) \wp_parse_url( $url, \PHP_URL_HOST );
* Determines the file extension of the given url.
* @param string $url The URL.
* @return string The extension.
public function get_extension_from_url( $url ) {
$path = $this->get_url_path( $url );
if ( $path === '' ) {
return '';
$parts = \explode( '.', $path );
if ( empty( $parts ) || \count( $parts ) === 1 ) {
return '';
return \end( $parts );
* Ensures that the given url is an absolute url.
* @param string $url The url that needs to be absolute.
* @return string The absolute url.
public function ensure_absolute_url( $url ) {
if ( ! \is_string( $url ) || $url === '' ) {
return $url;
if ( $this->is_relative( $url ) === true ) {
return $this->build_absolute_url( $url );
return $url;
* Parse the home URL setting to find the base URL for relative URLs.
* @param string|null $path Optional path string.
* @return string
public function build_absolute_url( $path = null ) {
$path = \wp_parse_url( $path, \PHP_URL_PATH );
$url_parts = \wp_parse_url( \home_url() );
$base_url = \trailingslashit( $url_parts['scheme'] . '://' . $url_parts['host'] );
if ( ! \is_null( $path ) ) {
$base_url .= \ltrim( $path, '/' );
return $base_url;
* Returns the link type.
* @param array $url The URL, as parsed by wp_parse_url.
* @param array|null $home_url Optional. The home URL, as parsed by wp_parse_url. Used to avoid reparsing the home_url.
* @param bool $is_image Whether or not the link is an image.
* @return string The link type.
public function get_link_type( $url, $home_url = null, $is_image = false ) {
// If there is no scheme and no host the link is always internal.
// Beware, checking just the scheme isn't enough as a link can be // for instance.
if ( empty( $url['scheme'] ) && empty( $url['host'] ) ) {
return ( $is_image ) ? SEO_Links::TYPE_INTERNAL_IMAGE : SEO_Links::TYPE_INTERNAL;
// If there is a scheme but it's not http(s) then the link is always external.
if ( \array_key_exists( 'scheme', $url ) && ! \in_array( $url['scheme'], [ 'http', 'https' ], true ) ) {
return ( $is_image ) ? SEO_Links::TYPE_EXTERNAL_IMAGE : SEO_Links::TYPE_EXTERNAL;
if ( \is_null( $home_url ) ) {
$home_url = \wp_parse_url( \home_url() );
// When the base host is equal to the host.
if ( isset( $url['host'] ) && $url['host'] !== $home_url['host'] ) {
return ( $is_image ) ? SEO_Links::TYPE_EXTERNAL_IMAGE : SEO_Links::TYPE_EXTERNAL;
// There is no base path and thus all URLs of the same domain are internal.
if ( empty( $home_url['path'] ) ) {
return ( $is_image ) ? SEO_Links::TYPE_INTERNAL_IMAGE : SEO_Links::TYPE_INTERNAL;
// When there is a path and it matches the start of the url.
if ( isset( $url['path'] ) && \strpos( $url['path'], $home_url['path'] ) === 0 ) {
return ( $is_image ) ? SEO_Links::TYPE_INTERNAL_IMAGE : SEO_Links::TYPE_INTERNAL;
return ( $is_image ) ? SEO_Links::TYPE_EXTERNAL_IMAGE : SEO_Links::TYPE_EXTERNAL;
* Recreate current URL.
* @param bool $with_request_uri Whether we want the REQUEST_URI appended.
* @return string
public function recreate_current_url( $with_request_uri = true ) {
$current_url = 'http';
if ( isset( $_SERVER['HTTPS'] ) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] === 'on' ) {
$current_url .= 's';
$current_url .= '://';
// phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput -- We know this is scary.
$suffix = ( $with_request_uri && isset( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) ) ? $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] : '';
if ( isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] ) && ! empty( $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] ) ) {
// phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput -- We know this is scary.
$server_name = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
else {
// Early return with just the path.
return $suffix;
$server_port = '';
if ( isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] ) && $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] !== '80' && $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] !== '443' ) {
// phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput -- We know this is scary.
$server_port = $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'];
if ( ! empty( $server_port ) ) {
$current_url .= $server_name . ':' . $server_port . $suffix;
else {
// phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput -- We know this is scary.
$current_url .= $server_name . $suffix;
return $current_url;
* Parses a URL and returns its components, this wrapper function was created to support unit tests.
* @param string $parsed_url The URL to parse.
* @return array The parsed components of the URL.
public function parse_str_params( $parsed_url ) {
$array = [];
// @todo parse_str changes spaces in param names into `_`, we should find a better way to support them.
\wp_parse_str( $parsed_url, $array );
return $array;