<?php namespace Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers; use WP_Post; use Yoast\WP\SEO\Wrappers\WP_Query_Wrapper; /** * A helper object for WordPress posts. */ class Current_Page_Helper { /** * The WP Query wrapper. * * @var WP_Query_Wrapper */ private $wp_query_wrapper; /** * Current_Page_Helper constructor. * * @codeCoverageIgnore It only sets dependencies. * * @param WP_Query_Wrapper $wp_query_wrapper The wrapper for WP_Query. */ public function __construct( WP_Query_Wrapper $wp_query_wrapper ) { $this->wp_query_wrapper = $wp_query_wrapper; } /** * Returns the page type for the current request. * * @codeCoverageIgnore It just depends on other functions for its result. * * @return string Page type. */ public function get_page_type() { switch ( true ) { case $this->is_search_result(): return 'Search_Result_Page'; case $this->is_static_posts_page(): return 'Static_Posts_Page'; case $this->is_home_static_page(): return 'Static_Home_Page'; case $this->is_home_posts_page(): return 'Home_Page'; case $this->is_simple_page(): return 'Post_Type'; case $this->is_post_type_archive(): return 'Post_Type_Archive'; case $this->is_term_archive(): return 'Term_Archive'; case $this->is_author_archive(): return 'Author_Archive'; case $this->is_date_archive(): return 'Date_Archive'; case $this->is_404(): return 'Error_Page'; } return 'Fallback'; } /** * Checks if the currently opened page is a simple page. * * @return bool Whether the currently opened page is a simple page. */ public function is_simple_page() { return $this->get_simple_page_id() > 0; } /** * Returns the id of the currently opened page. * * @return int The id of the currently opened page. */ public function get_simple_page_id() { if ( \is_singular() ) { return \get_the_ID(); } if ( $this->is_posts_page() ) { return \get_option( 'page_for_posts' ); } /** * Filter: Allow changing the default page id. * * @param int $page_id The default page id. */ return \apply_filters( 'wpseo_frontend_page_type_simple_page_id', 0 ); } /** * Returns the id of the currently opened author archive. * * @codeCoverageIgnore It wraps WordPress functionality. * * @return int The id of the currently opened author archive. */ public function get_author_id() { $wp_query = $this->wp_query_wrapper->get_main_query(); return $wp_query->get( 'author' ); } /** * Returns the id of the front page. * * @return int The id of the front page. 0 if the front page is not a static page. */ public function get_front_page_id() { if ( \get_option( 'show_on_front' ) !== 'page' ) { return 0; } return (int) \get_option( 'page_on_front' ); } /** * Returns the id of the currently opened term archive. * * @return int The id of the currently opened term archive. */ public function get_term_id() { $wp_query = $this->wp_query_wrapper->get_main_query(); if ( $wp_query->is_tax() || $wp_query->is_tag() || $wp_query->is_category() ) { $queried_object = $wp_query->get_queried_object(); if ( $queried_object && ! \is_wp_error( $queried_object ) ) { return $queried_object->term_id; } } return 0; } /** * Returns the post type of the main query. * * @return string The post type of the main query. */ public function get_queried_post_type() { $wp_query = $this->wp_query_wrapper->get_main_query(); $post_type = $wp_query->get( 'post_type' ); if ( \is_array( $post_type ) ) { $post_type = \reset( $post_type ); } return $post_type; } /** * Returns the permalink of the currently opened date archive. * If the permalink was cached, it returns this permalink. * If not, we call another function to get the permalink through wp_query. * * @return string The permalink of the currently opened date archive. */ public function get_date_archive_permalink() { static $date_archive_permalink; if ( isset( $date_archive_permalink ) ) { return $date_archive_permalink; } $date_archive_permalink = $this->get_non_cached_date_archive_permalink(); return $date_archive_permalink; } /** * Determine whether this is the homepage and shows posts. * * @return bool Whether or not the current page is the homepage that displays posts. */ public function is_home_posts_page() { $wp_query = $this->wp_query_wrapper->get_main_query(); if ( ! $wp_query->is_home() ) { return false; } /* * Whether the static page's `Homepage` option is actually not set to a page. * Otherwise WordPress proceeds to handle the homepage as a `Your latest posts` page. */ if ( (int) \get_option( 'page_on_front' ) === 0 ) { return true; } return \get_option( 'show_on_front' ) === 'posts'; } /** * Determine whether this is the static frontpage. * * @return bool Whether or not the current page is a static frontpage. */ public function is_home_static_page() { $wp_query = $this->wp_query_wrapper->get_main_query(); if ( ! $wp_query->is_front_page() ) { return false; } if ( \get_option( 'show_on_front' ) !== 'page' ) { return false; } return $wp_query->is_page( \get_option( 'page_on_front' ) ); } /** * Determine whether this is the static posts page. * * @return bool Whether or not the current page is a static posts page. */ public function is_static_posts_page() { $wp_query = $this->wp_query_wrapper->get_main_query(); $queried_object = $wp_query->get_queried_object(); return ( $wp_query->is_posts_page && \is_a( $queried_object, WP_Post::class ) && $queried_object->post_type === 'page' ); } /** * Determine whether this is the statically set posts page, when it's not the frontpage. * * @return bool Whether or not it's a non-frontpage, statically set posts page. */ public function is_posts_page() { $wp_query = $this->wp_query_wrapper->get_main_query(); if ( ! $wp_query->is_home() ) { return false; } return \get_option( 'show_on_front' ) === 'page'; } /** * Determine whether this is a post type archive. * * @codeCoverageIgnore It wraps WordPress functionality. * * @return bool Whether nor not the current page is a post type archive. */ public function is_post_type_archive() { $wp_query = $this->wp_query_wrapper->get_main_query(); return $wp_query->is_post_type_archive(); } /** * Determine whether this is a term archive. * * @codeCoverageIgnore It wraps WordPress functionality. * * @return bool Whether nor not the current page is a term archive. */ public function is_term_archive() { $wp_query = $this->wp_query_wrapper->get_main_query(); return $wp_query->is_tax || $wp_query->is_tag || $wp_query->is_category; } /** * Determine whether this is an attachment page. * * @codeCoverageIgnore It wraps WordPress functionality. * * @return bool Whether nor not the current page is an attachment page. */ public function is_attachment() { $wp_query = $this->wp_query_wrapper->get_main_query(); return $wp_query->is_attachment; } /** * Determine whether this is an author archive. * * @codeCoverageIgnore It wraps WordPress functionality. * * @return bool Whether nor not the current page is an author archive. */ public function is_author_archive() { $wp_query = $this->wp_query_wrapper->get_main_query(); return $wp_query->is_author(); } /** * Determine whether this is an date archive. * * @codeCoverageIgnore It wraps WordPress functionality. * * @return bool Whether nor not the current page is an date archive. */ public function is_date_archive() { $wp_query = $this->wp_query_wrapper->get_main_query(); return $wp_query->is_date(); } /** * Determine whether this is a search result. * * @codeCoverageIgnore It wraps WordPress functionality. * * @return bool Whether nor not the current page is a search result. */ public function is_search_result() { $wp_query = $this->wp_query_wrapper->get_main_query(); return $wp_query->is_search(); } /** * Determine whether this is a 404 page. * * @codeCoverageIgnore It wraps WordPress functionality. * * @return bool Whether nor not the current page is a 404 page. */ public function is_404() { $wp_query = $this->wp_query_wrapper->get_main_query(); return $wp_query->is_404(); } /** * Checks if the current page is the post format archive. * * @codeCoverageIgnore It wraps WordPress functionality. * * @return bool Whether or not the current page is the post format archive. */ public function is_post_format_archive() { $wp_query = $this->wp_query_wrapper->get_main_query(); return $wp_query->is_tax( 'post_format' ); } /** * Determine whether this page is an taxonomy archive page for multiple terms (url: /term-1,term2/). * * @return bool Whether or not the current page is an archive page for multiple terms. */ public function is_multiple_terms_page() { if ( ! $this->is_term_archive() ) { return false; } return $this->count_queried_terms() > 1; } /** * Checks whether the current page is paged. * * @codeCoverageIgnore This method only calls a WordPress function. * * @return bool Whether the current page is paged. */ public function is_paged() { return \is_paged(); } /** * Checks if the current page is the front page. * * @codeCoverageIgnore It wraps WordPress functionality. * * @return bool Whether or not the current page is the front page. */ public function is_front_page() { $wp_query = $this->wp_query_wrapper->get_main_query(); return $wp_query->is_front_page(); } /** * Retrieves the current admin page. * * @codeCoverageIgnore It only wraps a global WordPress variable. * * @return string The current page. */ public function get_current_admin_page() { global $pagenow; return $pagenow; } /** * Check if the current opened page is a Yoast SEO page. * * @return bool True when current page is a yoast seo plugin page. */ public function is_yoast_seo_page() { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Recommended -- Reason: We are not processing form information. if ( isset( $_GET['page'] ) && \is_string( $_GET['page'] ) ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Recommended,WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotSanitized -- Reason: We are not processing form information, We are only using the variable in the strpos function. $current_page = \wp_unslash( $_GET['page'] ); return \strpos( $current_page, 'wpseo_' ) === 0; } return false; } /** * Returns the current Yoast SEO page. * (E.g. the `page` query variable in the URL). * * @return string The current Yoast SEO page. */ public function get_current_yoast_seo_page() { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Recommended -- Reason: We are not processing form information. if ( isset( $_GET['page'] ) && \is_string( $_GET['page'] ) ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Recommended -- Reason: We are not processing form information. return \sanitize_text_field( \wp_unslash( $_GET['page'] ) ); } return ''; } /** * Checks if the current global post is the privacy policy page. * * @return bool current global post is set as privacy page */ public function current_post_is_privacy_policy() { global $post; if ( ! isset( $post->ID ) ) { return false; } return \intval( $post->ID ) === \intval( \get_option( 'wp_page_for_privacy_policy', false ) ); } /** * Returns the permalink of the currently opened date archive. * * @return string The permalink of the currently opened date archive. */ protected function get_non_cached_date_archive_permalink() { $date_archive_permalink = ''; $wp_query = $this->wp_query_wrapper->get_main_query(); if ( $wp_query->is_day() ) { $date_archive_permalink = \get_day_link( $wp_query->get( 'year' ), $wp_query->get( 'monthnum' ), $wp_query->get( 'day' ) ); } if ( $wp_query->is_month() ) { $date_archive_permalink = \get_month_link( $wp_query->get( 'year' ), $wp_query->get( 'monthnum' ) ); } if ( $wp_query->is_year() ) { $date_archive_permalink = \get_year_link( $wp_query->get( 'year' ) ); } return $date_archive_permalink; } /** * Counts the total amount of queried terms. * * @codeCoverageIgnore This relies too much on WordPress dependencies. * * @return int The amoumt of queried terms. */ protected function count_queried_terms() { $wp_query = $this->wp_query_wrapper->get_main_query(); $term = $wp_query->get_queried_object(); $queried_terms = $wp_query->tax_query->queried_terms; if ( \is_null( $term ) || empty( $queried_terms[ $term->taxonomy ]['terms'] ) ) { return 0; } return \count( $queried_terms[ $term->taxonomy ]['terms'] ); } }