<?php /** * WPSEO plugin file. * * @package WPSEO\Admin */ /** * Represents the proxy for communicating with the database. */ class WPSEO_Database_Proxy { /** * Holds the table name. * * @var string */ protected $table_name; /** * Determines whether to suppress errors or not. * * @var bool */ protected $suppress_errors = true; /** * Determines if this table is multisite. * * @var bool */ protected $is_multisite_table = false; /** * Holds the last suppressed state. * * @var bool */ protected $last_suppressed_state; /** * Holds the WordPress database object. * * @var wpdb */ protected $database; /** * Holds the table prefix. * * @var string */ protected $table_prefix; /** * Sets the class attributes and registers the table. * * @param wpdb $database The database object. * @param string $table_name The table name that is represented. * @param bool $suppress_errors Should the errors be suppressed. * @param bool $is_multisite_table Should the table be global in multisite. */ public function __construct( $database, $table_name, $suppress_errors = true, $is_multisite_table = false ) { $this->table_name = $table_name; $this->suppress_errors = (bool) $suppress_errors; $this->is_multisite_table = (bool) $is_multisite_table; $this->database = $database; // If the table prefix was provided, strip it as it's handled automatically. $table_prefix = $this->get_table_prefix(); if ( ! empty( $table_prefix ) && strpos( $this->table_name, $table_prefix ) === 0 ) { $this->table_prefix = substr( $this->table_name, strlen( $table_prefix ) ); } if ( ! $this->is_table_registered() ) { $this->register_table(); } } /** * Inserts data into the database. * * @param array $data Data to insert. * @param array|string|null $format Formats for the data. * * @return false|int Total amount of inserted rows or false on error. */ public function insert( array $data, $format = null ) { $this->pre_execution(); $result = $this->database->insert( $this->get_table_name(), $data, $format ); $this->post_execution(); return $result; } /** * Updates data in the database. * * @param array $data Data to update on the table. * @param array $where Where condition as key => value array. * @param array|string|null $format Optional. Data prepare format. * @param array|string|null $where_format Optional. Where prepare format. * * @return false|int False when the update request is invalid, int on number of rows changed. */ public function update( array $data, array $where, $format = null, $where_format = null ) { $this->pre_execution(); $result = $this->database->update( $this->get_table_name(), $data, $where, $format, $where_format ); $this->post_execution(); return $result; } /** * Upserts data in the database. * * Performs an insert into and if key is duplicate it will update the existing record. * * @param array $data Data to update on the table. * @param array|null $where Unused. Where condition as key => value array. * @param array|string|null $format Optional. Data prepare format. * @param array|string|null $where_format Optional. Where prepare format. * * @return false|int False when the upsert request is invalid, int on number of rows changed. */ public function upsert( array $data, ?array $where = null, $format = null, $where_format = null ) { if ( $where_format !== null ) { _deprecated_argument( __METHOD__, '7.7.0', 'The where_format argument is deprecated' ); } $this->pre_execution(); $update = []; $keys = []; $columns = array_keys( $data ); foreach ( $columns as $column ) { $keys[] = '`' . $column . '`'; $update[] = sprintf( '`%1$s` = VALUES(`%1$s`)', $column ); } $query = sprintf( 'INSERT INTO `%1$s` (%2$s) VALUES ( %3$s ) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE %4$s', $this->get_table_name(), implode( ', ', $keys ), implode( ', ', array_fill( 0, count( $data ), '%s' ) ), implode( ', ', $update ) ); $result = $this->database->query( $this->database->prepare( $query, array_values( $data ) ) ); $this->post_execution(); return $result; } /** * Deletes a record from the database. * * @param array $where Where clauses for the query. * @param array|string|null $format Formats for the data. * * @return false|int */ public function delete( array $where, $format = null ) { $this->pre_execution(); $result = $this->database->delete( $this->get_table_name(), $where, $format ); $this->post_execution(); return $result; } /** * Executes the given query and returns the results. * * @param string $query The query to execute. * * @return array|object|null The resultset */ public function get_results( $query ) { $this->pre_execution(); $results = $this->database->get_results( $query ); $this->post_execution(); return $results; } /** * Creates a table to the database. * * @param array $columns The columns to create. * @param array $indexes The indexes to use. * * @return bool True when creation is successful. */ public function create_table( array $columns, array $indexes = [] ) { $create_table = sprintf( 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %1$s ( %2$s ) %3$s', $this->get_table_name(), implode( ',', array_merge( $columns, $indexes ) ), $this->database->get_charset_collate() ); $this->pre_execution(); $is_created = (bool) $this->database->query( $create_table ); $this->post_execution(); return $is_created; } /** * Checks if there is an error. * * @return bool Returns true when there is an error. */ public function has_error() { return ( $this->database->last_error !== '' ); } /** * Executed before a query will be ran. * * @return void */ protected function pre_execution() { if ( $this->suppress_errors ) { $this->last_suppressed_state = $this->database->suppress_errors(); } } /** * Executed after a query has been ran. * * @return void */ protected function post_execution() { if ( $this->suppress_errors ) { $this->database->suppress_errors( $this->last_suppressed_state ); } } /** * Returns the full table name. * * @return string Full table name including prefix. */ public function get_table_name() { return $this->get_table_prefix() . $this->table_name; } /** * Returns the prefix to use for the table. * * @return string The table prefix depending on the database context. */ protected function get_table_prefix() { if ( $this->is_multisite_table ) { return $this->database->base_prefix; } return $this->database->get_blog_prefix(); } /** * Registers the table with WordPress. * * @return void */ protected function register_table() { $table_name = $this->table_name; $full_table_name = $this->get_table_name(); $this->database->$table_name = $full_table_name; if ( $this->is_multisite_table ) { $this->database->ms_global_tables[] = $table_name; return; } $this->database->tables[] = $table_name; } /** * Checks if the table has been registered with WordPress. * * @return bool True if the table is registered, false otherwise. */ protected function is_table_registered() { if ( $this->is_multisite_table ) { return in_array( $this->table_name, $this->database->ms_global_tables, true ); } return in_array( $this->table_name, $this->database->tables, true ); } }