<?php // phpcs:disable Yoast.NamingConventions.NamespaceName.TooLong namespace Yoast\WP\SEO\Editors\Framework\Site; use Exception; use Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper; use Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Product_Helper; use Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Short_Link_Helper; use Yoast\WP\SEO\Introductions\Infrastructure\Wistia_Embed_Permission_Repository; use Yoast\WP\SEO\Promotions\Application\Promotion_Manager; use Yoast\WP\SEO\Surfaces\Meta_Surface; /** * The Base_Site_Information class. */ abstract class Base_Site_Information { /** * The short link helper. * * @var Short_Link_Helper $shortlink_helper */ protected $short_link_helper; /** * The wistia embed permission repository. * * @var Wistia_Embed_Permission_Repository $wistia_embed_permission_repository */ protected $wistia_embed_permission_repository; /** * The meta surface. * * @var Meta_Surface $meta */ protected $meta; /** * The product helper. * * @var Product_Helper $product_helper */ protected $product_helper; /** * The options helper. * * @var Options_Helper $options_helper */ protected $options_helper; /** * The promotion manager. * * @var Promotion_Manager $promotion_manager */ protected $promotion_manager; /** * The constructor. * * @param Short_Link_Helper $short_link_helper The short link helper. * @param Wistia_Embed_Permission_Repository $wistia_embed_permission_repository The wistia embed permission * repository. * @param Meta_Surface $meta The meta surface. * @param Product_Helper $product_helper The product helper. * @param Options_Helper $options_helper The options helper. * @param Promotion_Manager $promotion_manager The promotion manager. */ public function __construct( Short_Link_Helper $short_link_helper, Wistia_Embed_Permission_Repository $wistia_embed_permission_repository, Meta_Surface $meta, Product_Helper $product_helper, Options_Helper $options_helper, Promotion_Manager $promotion_manager ) { $this->short_link_helper = $short_link_helper; $this->wistia_embed_permission_repository = $wistia_embed_permission_repository; $this->meta = $meta; $this->product_helper = $product_helper; $this->options_helper = $options_helper; $this->promotion_manager = $promotion_manager; } /** * Returns site information that is the * * @throws Exception If an invalid user ID is supplied to the wistia repository. * @return array<string|string,string[]> */ public function get_site_information(): array { return [ 'adminUrl' => \admin_url( 'admin.php' ), 'linkParams' => $this->short_link_helper->get_query_params(), 'pluginUrl' => \plugins_url( '', \WPSEO_FILE ), 'wistiaEmbedPermission' => $this->wistia_embed_permission_repository->get_value_for_user( \get_current_user_id() ), 'site_name' => $this->meta->for_current_page()->site_name, 'contentLocale' => \get_locale(), 'userLocale' => \get_user_locale(), 'isRtl' => \is_rtl(), 'isPremium' => $this->product_helper->is_premium(), 'siteIconUrl' => \get_site_icon_url(), 'showSocial' => [ 'facebook' => $this->options_helper->get( 'opengraph', false ), 'twitter' => $this->options_helper->get( 'twitter', false ), ], 'sitewideSocialImage' => $this->options_helper->get( 'og_default_image' ), // phpcs:ignore Generic.ControlStructures.DisallowYodaConditions -- Bug: squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer#2962. 'isPrivateBlog' => ( (string) \get_option( 'blog_public' ) ) === '0', 'currentPromotions' => $this->promotion_manager->get_current_promotions(), 'blackFridayBlockEditorUrl' => ( $this->promotion_manager->is( 'black-friday-2023-checklist' ) ) ? $this->short_link_helper->get( 'https://yoa.st/black-friday-checklist' ) : '', ]; } /** * Returns site information that is the * * @throws Exception If an invalid user ID is supplied to the wistia repository. * @return array<string|string,string[]> */ public function get_legacy_site_information(): array { return [ 'adminUrl' => \admin_url( 'admin.php' ), 'linkParams' => $this->short_link_helper->get_query_params(), 'pluginUrl' => \plugins_url( '', \WPSEO_FILE ), 'wistiaEmbedPermission' => $this->wistia_embed_permission_repository->get_value_for_user( \get_current_user_id() ), 'sitewideSocialImage' => $this->options_helper->get( 'og_default_image' ), // phpcs:ignore Generic.ControlStructures.DisallowYodaConditions -- Bug: squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer#2962. 'isPrivateBlog' => ( (string) \get_option( 'blog_public' ) ) === '0', 'currentPromotions' => $this->promotion_manager->get_current_promotions(), 'blackFridayBlockEditorUrl' => ( $this->promotion_manager->is( 'black-friday-2023-checklist' ) ) ? $this->short_link_helper->get( 'https://yoa.st/black-friday-checklist' ) : '', 'metabox' => [ 'site_name' => $this->meta->for_current_page()->site_name, 'contentLocale' => \get_locale(), 'userLocale' => \get_user_locale(), 'isRtl' => \is_rtl(), 'isPremium' => $this->product_helper->is_premium(), 'siteIconUrl' => \get_site_icon_url(), 'showSocial' => [ 'facebook' => $this->options_helper->get( 'opengraph', false ), 'twitter' => $this->options_helper->get( 'twitter', false ), ], ], ]; } }