<?php namespace Wordfence\MmdbReader; use Wordfence\MmdbReader\Exception\FormatException; use Wordfence\MmdbReader\Exception\IncompatibleIpVersionException; use Wordfence\MmdbReader\Exception\IncompatibleVersionException; use Wordfence\MmdbReader\Exception\InvalidIpAddressException; use Wordfence\MmdbReader\Exception\IoException; use Wordfence\MmdbReader\Io\FileHandle; class Database { const SUPPORTED_MAJOR_VERSION = 2; const DELIMITER_METADATA = "\xab\xcd\xefMaxMind.com"; private $handle; private $metadata; private $nodeSize; private $nodeReader; private $dataSectionParser; private $startingNodes = array(); /** * Bind to a MaxMind database using the provided handle * @param resource $resource a valid stream resource that can be used to read the database * @param bool $closeAutomtically if true, the provided resource will be closed automatically * @throws MmdbThrowable if an error occurs while interacting with the database */ protected function __construct($resource, $closeAutomatically) { $this->handle = new FileHandle($resource, $closeAutomatically); $this->initialize(); } private function initialize() { $this->loadMetadata(); } private function loadMetadata() { $this->handle->seek(0, SEEK_END); $position = $this->handle->locateString(self::DELIMITER_METADATA, FileHandle::DIRECTION_REVERSE, DatabaseMetadata::MAX_LENGTH, true); if ($position === null) throw new FormatException("Unable to locate metadata in MMDB file"); $this->metadata = DatabaseMetadata::parse($this->handle); if ($this->metadata->getMajorVersion() !== self::SUPPORTED_MAJOR_VERSION) throw new IncompatibleVersionException(sprintf('This library only supports parsing version %d of the MMDB format, a version %d database was provided', self::SUPPORTED_MAJOR_VERSION, $this->metadata->getMajorVersion())); } private function computeNodeSize() { $nodeSize = ($this->metadata->getRecordSize() * 2) / 8; if (!is_int($nodeSize)) throw new FormatException("Node size must be an even number of bytes, computed {$this->nodeSize}"); return $nodeSize; } private function getNodeReader() { if ($this->nodeReader === null) $this->nodeReader = new NodeReader($this->handle, $this->computeNodeSize(), $this->metadata->getNodeCount()); return $this->nodeReader; } private function getDataSectionParser() { if ($this->dataSectionParser === null) { $offset = $this->getNodeReader()->getSearchTreeSectionSize() + 16; //16 null bytes separate the two sections $this->dataSectionParser = new DataFieldParser($this->handle, $offset); } return $this->dataSectionParser; } /** * Retrieve the metadata for this database * @return DatabaseMetadata */ public function getMetadata() { return $this->metadata; } /** * Search the database for the given IP address * @param IpAddressInterface|string $ip the IP address for which to search * A human readable (as accepted by inet_pton) or binary (as accepted by inet_ntop) string may be provided or an instance of IpAddressInterface * @return array|null the matched record or null if no record was found * @throws InvalidIpAddressException if $ip is a string that cannot be parsed as a valid IP address * @throws IncompatibleVersionException if the database IP version and the version of the provided IP address are incompatible (specifically, if an IPv6 address is passed and the database only supports IPv4) */ public function search($ip) { if (is_string($ip)) { $ip = IpAddress::createFromString($ip); } elseif (!$ip instanceof IpAddressInterface) { throw new InvalidIpAddressException('IP address must be either a human readable string (presentation format), a binary string (network format), or an instance of Wordfence\MmdbReader\IpAddressInterface, received: ' . print_r($ip, true)); } if ($this->metadata->getIpVersion() === IpAddress::TYPE_IPV4 && $ip->getType() === IpAddress::TYPE_IPV6) throw new IncompatibleIpVersionException('This database only support IPv4 addresses, but the provided address is an IPv6 address'); return $this->searchNodes($ip); } private function resolveStartingNode($type) { $node = $this->getNodeReader()->read(0); if ($type === IpAddress::TYPE_IPV4 && $this->metadata->getIpVersion() === IpAddress::TYPE_IPV6) { $skippedBits = (IpAddress::LENGTH_IPV6 - IpAddress::LENGTH_IPV4) * 8; while ($skippedBits-- > 0) { $record = $node->getLeft(); if ($record->isNodePointer()) { $node = $record->getNextNode(); } else { return $record; } } } return $node; } private function getStartingNode($type) { if (!array_key_exists($type, $this->startingNodes)) { $this->startingNodes[$type] = $this->resolveStartingNode($type); } return $this->startingNodes[$type]; } private function searchNodes($ip) { $key = $ip->getBinary(); $byteCount = strlen($key); $nodeReader = $this->getNodeReader(); $node = $this->getStartingNode($ip->getType()); $bits = ''; $record = null; if ($node instanceof Node) { for ($byteIndex = 0; $byteIndex < $byteCount; $byteIndex++) { $byte = ord($key[$byteIndex]); for ($bitOffset = 7; $bitOffset >= 0; $bitOffset--) { $bit = ($byte >> $bitOffset) & 1; $record = $node->getRecord($bit); if ($record->isNodePointer()) { $node = $record->getNextNode(); } else { break 2; } } } } else { $record = $node; } if ($record->isNullPointer()) { return null; } elseif ($record->isDataPointer()) { $this->handle->seek($record->getDataAddress(), SEEK_SET); $data = $this->getDataSectionParser()->parseField(); return $data; } else { return null; } } /** * Open the MMDB file at the given path * @param string $path the path of an MMDB file * @throws IoException if unable to open the file at the provided path * @throws MmdbThrowable if an error occurs while initializing the database */ public static function open($path) { $handle = fopen($path, 'rb'); if ($handle === false) throw new IoException("Unable to open MMDB file at {$path}"); return new self($handle, true); } }