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<?php namespace Yoast\WP\SEO\Integrations\Front_End; use Yoast\WP\SEO\Conditionals\Front_End_Conditional; use Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper; use Yoast\WP\SEO\Integrations\Integration_Interface; use Yoast\WP\SEO\Surfaces\Meta_Surface; /** * Class Feed_Improvements */ class Feed_Improvements implements Integration_Interface { /** * Holds the options helper. * * @var Options_Helper */ private $options; /** * Holds the meta helper surface. * * @var Meta_Surface */ private $meta; /** * Canonical_Header constructor. * * @codeCoverageIgnore It only sets depedencies. * * @param Options_Helper $options The options helper. * @param Meta_Surface $meta The meta surface. */ public function __construct( Options_Helper $options, Meta_Surface $meta ) { $this->options = $options; $this->meta = $meta; } /** * Returns the conditionals based in which this loadable should be active. * * @return array */ public static function get_conditionals() { return [ Front_End_Conditional::class ]; } /** * Registers hooks to WordPress. * * @return void */ public function register_hooks() { \add_filter( 'get_bloginfo_rss', [ $this, 'filter_bloginfo_rss' ], 10, 2 ); \add_filter( 'document_title_separator', [ $this, 'filter_document_title_separator' ] ); \add_action( 'do_feed_rss', [ $this, 'handle_rss_feed' ], 9 ); \add_action( 'do_feed_rss2', [ $this, 'send_canonical_header' ], 9 ); \add_action( 'do_feed_rss2', [ $this, 'add_robots_headers' ], 9 ); } /** * Filter `bloginfo_rss` output to give the URL for what's being shown instead of just always the homepage. * * @param string $show The output so far. * @param string $what What is being shown. * * @return string */ public function filter_bloginfo_rss( $show, $what ) { if ( $what === 'url' ) { return $this->get_url_for_queried_object( $show ); } return $show; } /** * Makes sure send canonical header always runs, because this RSS hook does not support the for_comments parameter * * @return void */ public function handle_rss_feed() { $this->send_canonical_header( false ); } /** * Adds a canonical link header to the main canonical URL for the requested feed object. If it is not a comment * feed. * * @param bool $for_comments If the RRS feed is meant for a comment feed. * * @return void */ public function send_canonical_header( $for_comments ) { if ( $for_comments || \headers_sent() ) { return; } $queried_object = \get_queried_object(); // Don't call get_class with null. This gives a warning. $class = ( $queried_object !== null ) ? \get_class( $queried_object ) : null; $url = $this->get_url_for_queried_object( $this->meta->for_home_page()->canonical ); if ( ( ! empty( $url ) && $url !== $this->meta->for_home_page()->canonical ) || $class === null ) { \header( \sprintf( 'Link: <%s>; rel="canonical"', $url ), false ); } } /** * Adds noindex, follow tag for comment feeds. * * @param bool $for_comments If the RSS feed is meant for a comment feed. * * @return void */ public function add_robots_headers( $for_comments ) { if ( $for_comments && ! \headers_sent() ) { \header( 'X-Robots-Tag: noindex, follow', true ); } } /** * Makes sure the title separator set in Yoast SEO is used for all feeds. * * @param string $separator The separator from WordPress. * * @return string The separator from Yoast SEO's settings. */ public function filter_document_title_separator( $separator ) { return \html_entity_decode( $this->options->get_title_separator() ); } /** * Determines the main URL for the queried object. * * @param string $url The URL determined so far. * * @return string The canonical URL for the queried object. */ protected function get_url_for_queried_object( $url = '' ) { $queried_object = \get_queried_object(); // Don't call get_class with null. This gives a warning. $class = ( $queried_object !== null ) ? \get_class( $queried_object ) : null; $meta = false; switch ( $class ) { // Post type archive feeds. case 'WP_Post_Type': $meta = $this->meta->for_post_type_archive( $queried_object->name ); break; // Post comment feeds. case 'WP_Post': $meta = $this->meta->for_post( $queried_object->ID ); break; // Term feeds. case 'WP_Term': $meta = $this->meta->for_term( $queried_object->term_id ); break; // Author feeds. case 'WP_User': $meta = $this->meta->for_author( $queried_object->ID ); break; // This would be NULL on the home page and on date archive feeds. case null: $meta = $this->meta->for_home_page(); break; default: break; } if ( $meta ) { return $meta->canonical; } return $url; } }