<?php namespace Yoast\WP\SEO\Integrations; use Yoast\WP\SEO\Conditionals\No_Conditionals; /** * Class to manage the integration with Yoast Duplicate Post. * * @deprecated 23.4 * @codeCoverageIgnore */ class Duplicate_Post_Integration implements Integration_Interface { use No_Conditionals; /** * Initializes the integration. * * This is the place to register hooks and filters. * * @deprecated 23.4 * @codeCoverageIgnore * * @return void */ public function register_hooks() { \_deprecated_function( __METHOD__, 'Yoast SEO 23.4' ); } /** * Filters out the Zapier meta when you copy a post with Yoast Duplicate Post. * * @deprecated 23.4 * @codeCoverageIgnore * * @param array $meta_excludelist The current excludelist of meta fields. * * @return array The updated excludelist. */ public function exclude_zapier_meta( $meta_excludelist ) { \_deprecated_function( __METHOD__, 'Yoast SEO 23.4' ); return $meta_excludelist; } }