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<?php namespace Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers; /** * Class Crawl_Cleanup_Helper. * * Used by the Crawl_Cleanup_Permalinks class. */ class Crawl_Cleanup_Helper { /** * The current page helper * * @var Current_Page_Helper */ private $current_page_helper; /** * The options helper. * * @var Options_Helper */ private $options_helper; /** * The URL helper. * * @var Url_Helper */ private $url_helper; /** * The Redirect Helper. * * @var Redirect_Helper */ private $redirect_helper; /** * Crawl Cleanup Basic integration constructor. * * @param Current_Page_Helper $current_page_helper The current page helper. * @param Options_Helper $options_helper The option helper. * @param Url_Helper $url_helper The URL helper. * @param Redirect_Helper $redirect_helper The Redirect Helper. */ public function __construct( Current_Page_Helper $current_page_helper, Options_Helper $options_helper, Url_Helper $url_helper, Redirect_Helper $redirect_helper ) { $this->current_page_helper = $current_page_helper; $this->options_helper = $options_helper; $this->url_helper = $url_helper; $this->redirect_helper = $redirect_helper; } /** * Checks if the current URL is not robots, sitemap, empty or user is logged in. * * @return bool True if the current URL is a valid URL. */ public function should_avoid_redirect() { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Recommended -- We're not processing anything yet... if ( \is_robots() || \get_query_var( 'sitemap' ) || empty( $_GET ) || \is_user_logged_in() ) { return true; } return false; } /** * Returns the list of the allowed extra vars. * * @return array The list of the allowed extra vars. */ public function get_allowed_extravars() { $default_allowed_extravars = [ 'utm_source', 'utm_medium', 'utm_campaign', 'utm_term', 'utm_content', 'gclid', 'gtm_debug', ]; /** * Filter: 'Yoast\WP\SEO\allowlist_permalink_vars' - Allows plugins to register their own variables not to clean. * * @since 19.2.0 * * @param array $allowed_extravars The list of the allowed vars (empty by default). */ $allowed_extravars = \apply_filters( 'Yoast\WP\SEO\allowlist_permalink_vars', $default_allowed_extravars ); $clean_permalinks_extra_variables = $this->options_helper->get( 'clean_permalinks_extra_variables' ); if ( $clean_permalinks_extra_variables !== '' ) { $allowed_extravars = \array_merge( $allowed_extravars, \explode( ',', $clean_permalinks_extra_variables ) ); } return $allowed_extravars; } /** * Gets the allowed query vars from the current URL. * * @param string $current_url The current URL. * @return array is_allowed and allowed_query. */ public function allowed_params( $current_url ) { // This is a Premium plugin-only function: Allows plugins to register their own variables not to clean. $allowed_extravars = $this->get_allowed_extravars(); $allowed_query = []; $parsed_url = \wp_parse_url( $current_url, \PHP_URL_QUERY ); $query = $this->url_helper->parse_str_params( $parsed_url ); if ( ! empty( $allowed_extravars ) ) { foreach ( $allowed_extravars as $get ) { $get = \trim( $get ); if ( isset( $query[ $get ] ) ) { $allowed_query[ $get ] = \rawurlencode_deep( $query[ $get ] ); unset( $query[ $get ] ); } } } return [ 'query' => $query, 'allowed_query' => $allowed_query, ]; } /** * Returns the proper URL for singular pages. * * @return string The proper URL. */ public function singular_url() { global $post; $proper_url = \get_permalink( $post->ID ); $page = \get_query_var( 'page' ); if ( $page && $page !== 1 ) { $the_post = \get_post( $post->ID ); $page_count = \substr_count( $the_post->post_content, '<!--nextpage-->' ); $proper_url = \user_trailingslashit( \trailingslashit( $proper_url ) . $page ); if ( $page > ( $page_count + 1 ) ) { $proper_url = \user_trailingslashit( \trailingslashit( $proper_url ) . ( $page_count + 1 ) ); } } // Fix reply to comment links, whoever decided this should be a GET variable? // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security -- We know this is scary. if ( isset( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) && \preg_match( '`(\?replytocom=[^&]+)`', \sanitize_text_field( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ), $matches ) ) { $proper_url .= \str_replace( '?replytocom=', '#comment-', $matches[0] ); } unset( $matches ); return $proper_url; } /** * Returns the proper URL for front page. * * @return string The proper URL. */ public function front_page_url() { if ( $this->current_page_helper->is_home_posts_page() ) { return \home_url( '/' ); } if ( $this->current_page_helper->is_home_static_page() ) { return \get_permalink( $GLOBALS['post']->ID ); } return ''; } /** * Returns the proper URL for 404 page. * * @param string $current_url The current URL. * @return string The proper URL. */ public function page_not_found_url( $current_url ) { if ( ! \is_multisite() || \is_subdomain_install() || ! \is_main_site() ) { return ''; } if ( $current_url !== \home_url() . '/blog/' && $current_url !== \home_url() . '/blog' ) { return ''; } if ( $this->current_page_helper->is_home_static_page() ) { return \get_permalink( \get_option( 'page_for_posts' ) ); } return \home_url(); } /** * Returns the proper URL for taxonomy page. * * @return string The proper URL. */ public function taxonomy_url() { global $wp_query; $term = $wp_query->get_queried_object(); if ( \is_feed() ) { return \get_term_feed_link( $term->term_id, $term->taxonomy ); } return \get_term_link( $term, $term->taxonomy ); } /** * Returns the proper URL for search page. * * @return string The proper URL. */ public function search_url() { $s = \get_search_query(); return \home_url() . '/?s=' . \rawurlencode( $s ); } /** * Returns the proper URL for url with page param. * * @param string $proper_url The proper URL. * @return string The proper URL. */ public function query_var_page_url( $proper_url ) { global $wp_query; if ( \is_search( $proper_url ) ) { return \home_url() . '/page/' . $wp_query->query_vars['paged'] . '/?s=' . \rawurlencode( \get_search_query() ); } return \user_trailingslashit( \trailingslashit( $proper_url ) . 'page/' . $wp_query->query_vars['paged'] ); } /** * Returns true if query is with page param. * * @param string $proper_url The proper URL. * @return bool is query with page param. */ public function is_query_var_page( $proper_url ) { global $wp_query; if ( empty( $proper_url ) || $wp_query->query_vars['paged'] === 0 || $wp_query->post_count === 0 ) { return false; } return true; } /** * Redirects clean permalink. * * @param string $proper_url The proper URL. * @return void */ public function do_clean_redirect( $proper_url ) { $this->redirect_helper->set_header( 'Content-Type: redirect', true ); $this->redirect_helper->remove_header( 'Content-Type' ); $this->redirect_helper->remove_header( 'Last-Modified' ); $this->redirect_helper->remove_header( 'X-Pingback' ); $message = \sprintf( /* translators: %1$s: Yoast SEO */ \__( '%1$s: unregistered URL parameter removed. See %2$s', 'wordpress-seo' ), 'Yoast SEO', '' ); $this->redirect_helper->do_safe_redirect( $proper_url, 301, $message ); } /** * Gets the type of URL. * * @return string The type of URL. */ public function get_url_type() { if ( \is_singular() ) { return 'singular_url'; } if ( \is_front_page() ) { return 'front_page_url'; } if ( $this->current_page_helper->is_posts_page() ) { return 'page_for_posts_url'; } if ( \is_category() || \is_tag() || \is_tax() ) { return 'taxonomy_url'; } if ( \is_search() ) { return 'search_url'; } if ( \is_404() ) { return 'page_not_found_url'; } return ''; } /** * Returns the proper URL for posts page. * * @return string The proper URL. */ public function page_for_posts_url() { return \get_permalink( \get_option( 'page_for_posts' ) ); } }