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<?php /** * WPSEO plugin file. * * @package WPSEO\Internals */ /** * Multisite utility class for network admin functionality. */ class Yoast_Network_Admin implements WPSEO_WordPress_AJAX_Integration, WPSEO_WordPress_Integration { /** * Action identifier for updating plugin network options. * * @var string */ public const UPDATE_OPTIONS_ACTION = 'yoast_handle_network_options'; /** * Action identifier for restoring a site. * * @var string */ public const RESTORE_SITE_ACTION = 'yoast_restore_site'; /** * Gets the available sites as choices, e.g. for a dropdown. * * @param bool $include_empty Optional. Whether to include an initial placeholder choice. * Default false. * @param bool $show_title Optional. Whether to show the title for each site. This requires * switching through the sites, so has performance implications for * sites that do not use a persistent cache. * Default false. * * @return array Choices as $site_id => $site_label pairs. */ public function get_site_choices( $include_empty = false, $show_title = false ) { $choices = []; if ( $include_empty ) { $choices['-'] = __( 'None', 'wordpress-seo' ); } $criteria = [ 'deleted' => 0, 'network_id' => get_current_network_id(), ]; $sites = get_sites( $criteria ); foreach ( $sites as $site ) { $site_name = $site->domain . $site->path; if ( $show_title ) { $site_name = $site->blogname . ' (' . $site->domain . $site->path . ')'; } $choices[ $site->blog_id ] = $site->blog_id . ': ' . $site_name; $site_states = $this->get_site_states( $site ); if ( ! empty( $site_states ) ) { $choices[ $site->blog_id ] .= ' [' . implode( ', ', $site_states ) . ']'; } } return $choices; } /** * Gets the states of a site. * * @param WP_Site $site Site object. * * @return array Array of $state_slug => $state_label pairs. */ public function get_site_states( $site ) { $available_states = [ 'public' => __( 'public', 'wordpress-seo' ), 'archived' => __( 'archived', 'wordpress-seo' ), 'mature' => __( 'mature', 'wordpress-seo' ), 'spam' => __( 'spam', 'wordpress-seo' ), 'deleted' => __( 'deleted', 'wordpress-seo' ), ]; $site_states = []; foreach ( $available_states as $state_slug => $state_label ) { if ( $site->$state_slug === '1' ) { $site_states[ $state_slug ] = $state_label; } } return $site_states; } /** * Handles a request to update plugin network options. * * This method works similar to how option updates are handled in `wp-admin/options.php` and * `wp-admin/network/settings.php`. * * @return void */ public function handle_update_options_request() { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Missing -- Reason: Nonce verification will happen in verify_request below. if ( ! isset( $_POST['network_option_group'] ) || ! is_string( $_POST['network_option_group'] ) ) { return; } // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Missing -- Reason: Nonce verification will happen in verify_request below. $option_group = sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $_POST['network_option_group'] ) ); if ( empty( $option_group ) ) { return; } $this->verify_request( "{$option_group}-network-options" ); $whitelist_options = Yoast_Network_Settings_API::get()->get_whitelist_options( $option_group ); if ( empty( $whitelist_options ) ) { add_settings_error( $option_group, 'settings_updated', __( 'You are not allowed to modify unregistered network settings.', 'wordpress-seo' ), 'error' ); $this->terminate_request(); return; } // phpcs:disable WordPress.Security.NonceVerification -- Nonce verified via `verify_request()` above. foreach ( $whitelist_options as $option_name ) { $value = null; if ( isset( $_POST[ $option_name ] ) ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotSanitized -- Reason: Adding sanitize_text_field around this will break the saving of settings because it expects a string: $value = wp_unslash( $_POST[ $option_name ] ); } WPSEO_Options::update_site_option( $option_name, $value ); } // phpcs:enable WordPress.Security.NonceVerification $settings_errors = get_settings_errors(); if ( empty( $settings_errors ) ) { add_settings_error( $option_group, 'settings_updated', __( 'Settings Updated.', 'wordpress-seo' ), 'updated' ); } $this->terminate_request(); } /** * Handles a request to restore a site's default settings. * * @return void */ public function handle_restore_site_request() { $this->verify_request( 'wpseo-network-restore', 'restore_site_nonce' ); $option_group = 'wpseo_ms'; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification -- Nonce verified via `verify_request()` above. $site_id = ! empty( $_POST[ $option_group ]['site_id'] ) ? (int) $_POST[ $option_group ]['site_id'] : 0; if ( ! $site_id ) { add_settings_error( $option_group, 'settings_updated', __( 'No site has been selected to restore.', 'wordpress-seo' ), 'error' ); $this->terminate_request(); return; } $site = get_site( $site_id ); if ( ! $site ) { /* translators: %s expands to the ID of a site within a multisite network. */ add_settings_error( $option_group, 'settings_updated', sprintf( __( 'Site with ID %d not found.', 'wordpress-seo' ), $site_id ), 'error' ); } else { WPSEO_Options::reset_ms_blog( $site_id ); /* translators: %s expands to the name of a site within a multisite network. */ add_settings_error( $option_group, 'settings_updated', sprintf( __( '%s restored to default SEO settings.', 'wordpress-seo' ), esc_html( $site->blogname ) ), 'updated' ); } $this->terminate_request(); } /** * Outputs nonce, action and option group fields for a network settings page in the plugin. * * @param string $option_group Option group name for the current page. * * @return void */ public function settings_fields( $option_group ) { ?> <input type="hidden" name="network_option_group" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $option_group ); ?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="<?php echo esc_attr( self::UPDATE_OPTIONS_ACTION ); ?>" /> <?php wp_nonce_field( "$option_group-network-options" ); } /** * Enqueues network admin assets. * * @return void */ public function enqueue_assets() { $asset_manager = new WPSEO_Admin_Asset_Manager(); $asset_manager->enqueue_script( 'network-admin' ); $translations = [ /* translators: %s: success message */ 'success_prefix' => __( 'Success: %s', 'wordpress-seo' ), /* translators: %s: error message */ 'error_prefix' => __( 'Error: %s', 'wordpress-seo' ), ]; $asset_manager->localize_script( 'network-admin', 'wpseoNetworkAdminGlobalL10n', $translations ); } /** * Hooks in the necessary actions and filters. * * @return void */ public function register_hooks() { if ( ! $this->meets_requirements() ) { return; } add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', [ $this, 'enqueue_assets' ] ); add_action( 'admin_action_' . self::UPDATE_OPTIONS_ACTION, [ $this, 'handle_update_options_request' ] ); add_action( 'admin_action_' . self::RESTORE_SITE_ACTION, [ $this, 'handle_restore_site_request' ] ); } /** * Hooks in the necessary AJAX actions. * * @return void */ public function register_ajax_hooks() { add_action( 'wp_ajax_' . self::UPDATE_OPTIONS_ACTION, [ $this, 'handle_update_options_request' ] ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_' . self::RESTORE_SITE_ACTION, [ $this, 'handle_restore_site_request' ] ); } /** * Checks whether the requirements to use this class are met. * * @return bool True if requirements are met, false otherwise. */ public function meets_requirements() { return is_multisite() && is_network_admin(); } /** * Verifies that the current request is valid. * * @param string $action Nonce action. * @param string $query_arg Optional. Nonce query argument. Default '_wpnonce'. * * @return void */ public function verify_request( $action, $query_arg = '_wpnonce' ) { $has_access = current_user_can( 'wpseo_manage_network_options' ); if ( wp_doing_ajax() ) { check_ajax_referer( $action, $query_arg ); if ( ! $has_access ) { wp_die( -1, 403 ); } return; } check_admin_referer( $action, $query_arg ); if ( ! $has_access ) { wp_die( esc_html__( 'You are not allowed to perform this action.', 'wordpress-seo' ) ); } } /** * Terminates the current request by either redirecting back or sending an AJAX response. * * @return void */ public function terminate_request() { if ( wp_doing_ajax() ) { $settings_errors = get_settings_errors(); if ( ! empty( $settings_errors ) && $settings_errors[0]['type'] === 'updated' ) { wp_send_json_success( $settings_errors, 200 ); } wp_send_json_error( $settings_errors, 400 ); } $this->persist_settings_errors(); $this->redirect_back( [ 'settings-updated' => 'true' ] ); } /** * Persists settings errors. * * Settings errors are stored in a transient for 30 seconds so that this transient * can be retrieved on the next page load. * * @return void */ protected function persist_settings_errors() { /* * A regular transient is used here, since it is automatically cleared right after the redirect. * A network transient would be cleaner, but would require a lot of copied code from core for * just a minor adjustment when displaying settings errors. */ set_transient( 'settings_errors', get_settings_errors(), 30 ); } /** * Redirects back to the referer URL, with optional query arguments. * * @param array $query_args Optional. Query arguments to add to the redirect URL. Default none. * * @return void */ protected function redirect_back( $query_args = [] ) { $sendback = wp_get_referer(); if ( ! empty( $query_args ) ) { $sendback = add_query_arg( $query_args, $sendback ); } wp_safe_redirect( $sendback ); exit; } }