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This may be a numerical value * or one of the WFAD_SCREEN_ constants. * * @param size * @returns {boolean} */ screenSize: function(size) { switch (size) { case WFAD.SCREEN_XS: return window.matchMedia("only screen and (max-width: 767px)").matches; case WFAD.SCREEN_SM: return window.matchMedia("only screen and (max-width: 991px)").matches; case WFAD.SCREEN_MD: return window.matchMedia("only screen and (max-width: 1199px)").matches; case WFAD.SCREEN_LG: return window.matchMedia("only screen and (max-width: 32767px)").matches; } var parsed = parseInt(size); if (isNaN(parsed)) { return false; } return window.matchMedia("only screen and (max-width: " + parsed + "px)").matches; }, sendTestEmail: function(email) { var self = this; this.ajax('wordfence_sendTestEmail', {email: email}, function(res) { if (res.result) { self.colorboxModalHTML((self.isSmallScreen ? '300px' : '400px'), __("Test Email Sent"), sprintf(__("Your test email was sent to the requested email address. The result we received from the WordPress wp_mail() function was: %s<br /><br />A 'True' result means WordPress thinks the mail was sent without errors. A 'False' result means that WordPress encountered an error sending your mail. Note that it's possible to get a 'True' response with an error elsewhere in your mail system that may cause emails to not be delivered."), res.result)); } }); }, sendTestActivityReport: function(email) { var self = this; this.ajax( 'wordfence_email_summary_email_address_debug', {email: email}, function(res) { if (res.result) { self.colorboxModalHTML((self.isSmallScreen ? 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}, function() { $('#wordfenceSatisfactionPrompt-no').fadeOut(); $('#wordfenceSatisfactionPrompt-complete').fadeIn(); } ); } else if (choice == 'dismiss') { $('#wordfenceSatisfactionPrompt').fadeOut(); WFAD.ajax('wordfence_wordfenceSatisfactionChoice', {choice: choice}); } }, tourFinish: function(page) { if (WFAD.currentPointer) { WFAD.currentPointer.pointer('destroy'); WFAD.currentPointer = false; } $('#wf-onboarding-tour-overlay').fadeOut(); WFAD.ajax('wordfence_tourClosed', {page: page}, function(res) {}); }, tour: function(contentID, elemID, edge, align, previousCallback, nextCallback) { if (WFAD.currentPointer) { WFAD.currentPointer.pointer('destroy'); WFAD.currentPointer = false; } var options = { pointerClass: 'wf-tour-pointer', buttons: function(event, t) { return null; }, close: function() { }, content: $('#' + contentID).tmpl().html(), pointerWidth: 700, position: { edge: edge, align: align } }; var element = $('#' + elemID); $('#wf-onboarding-tour-overlay').fadeIn(); WFAD.currentPointer = element.pointer(options).pointer('open'); 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}, parseInt(WordfenceAdminVars.actUpdateInterval)); }, updateActivityLog: function() { if (this.activityLogUpdatePending || (!this.windowHasFocus() && WordfenceAdminVars.allowsPausing == '1')) { if (!jQuery('body').hasClass('wordfenceLiveActivityPaused') && !this.activityLogUpdatePending) { jQuery('body').addClass('wordfenceLiveActivityPaused'); } return; } if (jQuery('body').hasClass('wordfenceLiveActivityPaused')) { jQuery('body').removeClass('wordfenceLiveActivityPaused'); } WFAD.loadingIssues = true; this.activityLogUpdatePending = true; var self = this; this.ajax('wordfence_activityLogUpdate', { lastctime: this.lastALogCtime, lastissuetime: this.lastIssueUpdateTime, }, function(res) { self.doneUpdateActivityLog(res); }, function() { self.activityLogUpdatePending = false; }, true); }, doneUpdateActivityLog: function(res) { this.actNextUpdateAt = (new Date()).getTime() + parseInt(WordfenceAdminVars.actUpdateInterval); if (res.ok) { if (res.items.length > 0) { this.activityQueue.push.apply(this.activityQueue, res.items); this.lastALogCtime = res.items[res.items.length - 1].ctime; this.processActQueue(res.currentScanID); } if (res.signatureUpdateTime) { this.updateSignaturesTimestamp(res.signatureUpdateTime); } var oldScanStalled = WFAD.scanStalled; WFAD.scanStalled = (res.scanStalled == '1' ? true : false); var oldScanRunning = WFAD.scanRunning; WFAD.scanRunning = (res.scanRunning == '1' && !WFAD.scanStalled) ? true : false; if (res.scanFailedHTML && !WFAD.scanRunning) { jQuery('#wf-scan-failed').html(res.scanFailedHTML); jQuery('#wf-scan-failed').show(); $(window).trigger('wfScanUpdateButtons'); } else { jQuery('#wf-scan-failed').hide(); } if (res.lastMessage) { $('#wf-scan-last-status').html(res.lastMessage); } if (res.issues) { this.lastIssueUpdateTime = res.issueUpdateTimestamp; this.displayIssues(res); } if (res.issueCounts) { WFAD.updateIssueCounts(res.issueCounts); } WFAD.loadingIssues = false; if (res.scanStats) { var keys = Object.keys(res.scanStats); for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { $('.' + keys[i]).text(res.scanStats[keys[i]]); } } if (res.scanStages) { var keys = Object.keys(res.scanStages); for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { var element = $('#wf-scan-' + keys[i]); if (element) { var existingClasses = element.attr('class'); if (existingClasses.match(/ /)) { existingClasses = existingClasses.split(' '); } else { existingClasses = [existingClasses]; } var newClasses = res.scanStages[keys[i]]; if (newClasses.match(/ /)) { newClasses = newClasses.split(' '); } else { newClasses = [newClasses]; } var mismatch = false; if (existingClasses.length != newClasses.length) { mismatch = true; } else { var intersection = existingClasses.filter(function(value) { for (var n = 0; n < newClasses.length; n++) { if (newClasses[n] == value) { return true; } } return false; }); mismatch = (intersection.length != newClasses.length); } if (mismatch) { element.removeClass(); element.addClass(newClasses.join(' ')); } if (oldScanRunning != WFAD.scanRunning) { if (WFAD.scanRunning) { $('#wf-scan-running-bar').show(); } else { $('#wf-scan-running-bar').hide(); } $(window).trigger('wfScanUpdateButtons'); } else if (oldScanStalled != WFAD.scanStalled) { $(window).trigger('wfScanUpdateButtons'); } } } } } this.activityLogUpdatePending = false; }, updateSignaturesTimestamp: function(signatureUpdateTime) { var date = new Date(signatureUpdateTime * 1000); var dateString = date.toString(); if (date.toLocaleString) { dateString = date.toLocaleString(); } var sigTimestampEl = $('#wf-scan-sigs-last-update'); var newText = sprintf(__('Last Updated: %s'), dateString); if (sigTimestampEl.text() !== newText) { sigTimestampEl.text(newText) .css({ 'opacity': 0 }) .animate({ 'opacity': 1 }, 500); } }, processActQueue: function(currentScanID) { if (this.activityQueue.length > 0) { this.addActItem(this.activityQueue.shift()); this.totalActAdded++; if (this.totalActAdded > this.maxActivityLogItems) { jQuery('#wf-scan-activity-log > li:first').remove(); this.totalActAdded--; } var timeTillNextUpdate = this.actNextUpdateAt - (new Date()).getTime(); var maxRate = 50 / 1000; //Rate per millisecond var bulkTotal = 0; while (this.activityQueue.length > 0 && this.activityQueue.length / timeTillNextUpdate > maxRate) { var item = this.activityQueue.shift(); if (item) { bulkTotal++; this.addActItem(item); } } this.totalActAdded += bulkTotal; if (this.totalActAdded > this.maxActivityLogItems) { jQuery('#wf-scan-activity-log > li:lt(' + bulkTotal + ')').remove(); this.totalActAdded -= bulkTotal; } var minDelay = 100; var delay = minDelay; if (timeTillNextUpdate < 1) { delay = minDelay; } else { delay = Math.round(timeTillNextUpdate / this.activityQueue.length); if (delay < minDelay) { delay = minDelay; } } var self = this; setTimeout(function() { self.processActQueue(); }, delay); } jQuery('#wf-scan-activity-log').scrollTop(jQuery('#wf-scan-activity-log').prop('scrollHeight')); }, processActArray: function(arr) { for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { this.addActItem(arr[i]); } }, addActItem: function(item) { if (!item) { return; } if (!item.msg) { return; } if (item.msg.indexOf('SUM_') == 0) { this.processSummaryLine(item); } else if (this.debugOn || item.level < 4) { var html = '<li class="wfActivityLine'; if (this.debugOn) { html += ' wf' + item.type; } html += '">[' + item.date + ']&nbsp;' + item.msg + '</div>'; jQuery('#wf-scan-activity-log').append(html); if (/Scan complete\./i.test(item.msg) || /Scan interrupted\./i.test(item.msg)) { this.loadIssues(); } } }, processSummaryLine: function(item) { var msg, summaryUpdated; if (item.msg.indexOf('SUM_START:') != -1) { msg = item.msg.replace('SUM_START:', ''); jQuery('#consoleSummary').append('<div class="wfSummaryLine"><div class="wfSummaryDate">[' + item.date + ']</div><div class="wfSummaryMsg">' + msg + '</div><div class="wfSummaryResult"><div class="wfSummaryLoading"></div></div><div class="wfClear"></div>'); summaryUpdated = true; } else if (item.msg.indexOf('SUM_ENDBAD') != -1) { msg = item.msg.replace('SUM_ENDBAD:', ''); jQuery('div.wfSummaryMsg:contains("' + msg + '")').next().addClass('wfSummaryBad').html('Problems found.'); summaryUpdated = true; } else if (item.msg.indexOf('SUM_ENDFAILED') != -1) { msg = item.msg.replace('SUM_ENDFAILED:', ''); jQuery('div.wfSummaryMsg:contains("' + msg + '")').next().addClass('wfSummaryBad').html('Failed.'); summaryUpdated = true; } else if (item.msg.indexOf('SUM_ENDOK') != -1) { msg = item.msg.replace('SUM_ENDOK:', ''); jQuery('div.wfSummaryMsg:contains("' + msg + '")').next().addClass('wfSummaryOK').html('Secure.'); summaryUpdated = true; } else if (item.msg.indexOf('SUM_ENDSUCCESS') != -1) { msg = item.msg.replace('SUM_ENDSUCCESS:', ''); jQuery('div.wfSummaryMsg:contains("' + msg + '")').next().addClass('wfSummaryOK').html('Success.'); summaryUpdated = true; } else if (item.msg.indexOf('SUM_ENDERR') != -1) { msg = item.msg.replace('SUM_ENDERR:', ''); jQuery('div.wfSummaryMsg:contains("' + msg + '")').next().addClass('wfSummaryErr').html('An error occurred.'); summaryUpdated = true; } else if (item.msg.indexOf('SUM_ENDSKIPPED') != -1) { msg = item.msg.replace('SUM_ENDSKIPPED:', ''); jQuery('div.wfSummaryMsg:contains("' + msg + '")').next().addClass('wfSummaryResult').html('Skipped.'); summaryUpdated = true; } else if (item.msg.indexOf('SUM_ENDIGNORED') != -1) { msg = item.msg.replace('SUM_ENDIGNORED:', ''); jQuery('div.wfSummaryMsg:contains("' + msg + '")').next().addClass('wfSummaryIgnored').html('Ignored.'); summaryUpdated = true; } else if (item.msg.indexOf('SUM_DISABLED:') != -1) { msg = item.msg.replace('SUM_DISABLED:', ''); jQuery('#consoleSummary').append('<div class="wfSummaryLine"><div class="wfSummaryDate">[' + item.date + ']</div><div class="wfSummaryMsg">' + msg + '</div><div class="wfSummaryResult">' + __('Disabled') + '</div><div class="wfClear"></div>'); summaryUpdated = true; } else if (item.msg.indexOf('SUM_PAIDONLY:') != -1) { msg = item.msg.replace('SUM_PAIDONLY:', ''); jQuery('#consoleSummary').append('<div class="wfSummaryLine"><div class="wfSummaryDate">[' + item.date + ']</div><div class="wfSummaryMsg">' + msg + '</div><div class="wfSummaryResult"><a href="https://www.wordfence.com/wordfence-signup/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">' + __('Paid Members Only') + ' (' + __('opens in new tab') + ')</a></div><div class="wfClear"></div>'); summaryUpdated = true; } else if (item.msg.indexOf('SUM_FINAL:') != -1) { msg = item.msg.replace('SUM_FINAL:', ''); jQuery('#consoleSummary').append('<div class="wfSummaryLine"><div class="wfSummaryDate">[' + item.date + ']</div><div class="wfSummaryMsg wfSummaryFinal">' + msg + '</div><div class="wfSummaryResult wfSummaryOK">' + __('Scan Complete.') + '</div><div class="wfClear"></div>'); } else if (item.msg.indexOf('SUM_PREP:') != -1) { msg = item.msg.replace('SUM_PREP:', ''); jQuery('#consoleSummary').empty().html('<div class="wfSummaryLine"><div class="wfSummaryDate">[' + item.date + ']</div><div class="wfSummaryMsg">' + msg + '</div><div class="wfSummaryResult" id="wfStartingScan"><div class="wfSummaryLoading"></div></div><div class="wfClear"></div>'); } else if (item.msg.indexOf('SUM_KILLED:') != -1) { msg = item.msg.replace('SUM_KILLED:', ''); jQuery('#consoleSummary').empty().html('<div class="wfSummaryLine"><div class="wfSummaryDate">[' + item.date + ']</div><div class="wfSummaryMsg">' + msg + '</div><div class="wfSummaryResult wfSummaryOK">' + __('Scan Complete.') + '</div><div class="wfClear"></div>'); } }, processActQueueItem: function() { var item = this.activityQueue.shift(); if (item) { jQuery('#consoleActivity').append('<div class="wfActivityLine wf' + item.type + '">[' + item.date + ']&nbsp;' + item.msg + '</div>'); this.totalActAdded++; if (this.totalActAdded > this.maxActivityLogItems) { jQuery('#consoleActivity div:first').remove(); this.totalActAdded--; } if (item.msg == 'Scan complete.') { this.loadIssues(); } } }, updateLiveTraffic: function(forceUpdate) { if ((!forceUpdate) && (this.liveTrafficUpdatePending || (!this.windowHasFocus() && WordfenceAdminVars.allowsPausing == '1'))) { if (!jQuery('body').hasClass('wordfenceLiveActivityPaused') && !this.liveTrafficUpdatePending) { jQuery('body').addClass('wordfenceLiveActivityPaused'); } return; } if (jQuery('body').hasClass('wordfenceLiveActivityPaused')) { jQuery('body').removeClass('wordfenceLiveActivityPaused'); } if (this.mode == 'liveTraffic') { this.liveTrafficUpdatePending = true; var self = this; var otherParams = this.newestActivityTime; var data = ''; if (this.wfLiveTraffic) { data += this.wfLiveTraffic.getCurrentQueryString({ since: this.newestActivityTime }); } data += '&otherParams=' + encodeURIComponent(otherParams); this.ajax('wordfence_ticker', data, function(res) { self.handleLiveTrafficReturn(res); }, function() { self.liveTrafficUpdatePending = false; }, true); } }, handleLiveTrafficReturn: function(res) { this.liveTrafficUpdatePending = false; this.serverTimestampOffset = (new Date().getTime() / 1000) - res.serverTime; this.serverMicrotime = res.serverMicrotime; var newMsg = "Idle"; var oldMsg = jQuery('.wf-live-activity-message').text(); if (res.msg) { newMsg = res.msg; } if (newMsg && newMsg != oldMsg) { jQuery('.wf-live-activity-message').hide().html(newMsg).fadeIn(200); } if (this.mode == 'liveTraffic') { if (res.events.length > 0) { this.newestActivityTime = res.events[0]['ctime']; } if (typeof WFAD.wfLiveTraffic !== undefined) { WFAD.wfLiveTraffic.prependListings(res.events, res); this.reverseLookupIPs(); this.avatarLookup(); this.updateTimeAgo(); } } }, avatarLookup: function() { var ids = []; $('.wfAvatar').each(function(idx, elem) { var userID = Number.parseInt($(elem).data('userid')); if (!Number.isNaN(userID) && !$(elem).data('wfAvatarDone')) { $(elem).data('wfAvatarDone', true); ids.push(userID); } }); if (ids.length < 1) { return; } var uni = {}; var uniqueIDs = []; for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { if (!uni[ids[i]]) { uni[ids[i]] = true; uniqueIDs.push(ids[i]); } } this.ajax('wordfence_avatarLookup', { ids: uniqueIDs.join(',') }, function(res) { if (res.ok) { $('.wfAvatar').each(function(idx, elem) { var userID = Number.parseInt($(elem).data('userid')); if (!Number.isNaN(userID)) { if (res.avatars[userID]) { $(elem).html(res.avatars[userID]); } } }); } }, false, false); }, reverseLookupIPs: function() { var self = this; var ips = []; jQuery('.wfReverseLookup').each(function(idx, elem) { var txt = jQuery(elem).text().trim(); if (/^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/.test(txt) && (!jQuery(elem).data('wfReverseDone'))) { jQuery(elem).data('wfReverseDone', true); ips.push(txt); } }); if (ips.length < 1) { return; } var uni = {}; var uniqueIPs = []; for (var i = 0; i < ips.length; i++) { if (!uni[ips[i]]) { uni[ips[i]] = true; uniqueIPs.push(ips[i]); } } this.ajax('wordfence_reverseLookup', { ips: uniqueIPs.join(',') }, function(res) { if (res.ok) { jQuery('.wfReverseLookup').each(function(idx, elem) { var el = jQuery(elem); var txt = el.text().trim(); for (var ip in res.ips) { if (txt == ip) { if (res.ips[ip]) { var hostnameTemplate = el.attr('data-reverse-lookup-template'); if (hostnameTemplate) { jQuery(elem).html(jQuery.tmpl($('#' + hostnameTemplate), { ip: res.ips[ip] })); } else if (el.hasClass('wf-hostname-only')) { jQuery(elem).text(res.ips[ip]); } else { jQuery(elem).html('<strong>Hostname:</strong>&nbsp;' + self.htmlEscape(res.ips[ip])); } } else { jQuery(elem).html(''); } } } }); } }, false, false); }, killScan: function(callback) { this.ajax('wordfence_killScan', {}, function(res) { if (res.ok) { typeof callback === 'function' && callback(true); WFAD.scanRunning = false; WFAD.scanFailed = false; $(window).trigger('wfScanUpdateButtons'); } else { typeof callback === 'function' && callback(false); } }); }, startScan: function() { this.ajax('wordfence_scan', {}, function(res) { if (res.ok) { WFAD.scanRunning = true; $('#wf-scan-results-new').empty(); $('#wf-scan-bulk-buttons-delete, #wf-scan-bulk-buttons-repair').addClass('wf-disabled'); WFAD.updateIssueCounts(res.issueCounts); $(window).trigger('wfScanUpdateButtons'); } }); }, loadIssues: function(callback, offset, limit) { if (this.mode != 'scan') { return; } offset = offset || 0; limit = limit || WordfenceAdminVars.scanIssuesPerPage; var self = this; this.ajax('wordfence_loadIssues', {offset: offset, limit: limit}, function(res) { var newCount = parseInt(res.issueCounts.new) || 0; var ignoredCount = (parseInt(res.issueCounts.ignoreP) || 0) + (parseInt(res.issueCounts.ignoreC) || 0); jQuery('#wfNewIssuesTab .wfIssuesCount').text(' (' + newCount + ')'); jQuery('#wfIgnoredIssuesTab .wfIssuesCount').text(' (' + ignoredCount + ')'); self.displayIssues(res, callback); }); }, loadMoreIssues: function(callback, offset, limit, ignoredOffset, ignoredLimit) { offset = offset || 0; limit = limit || WordfenceAdminVars.scanIssuesPerPage; ignoredOffset = ignoredOffset || 0; ignoredLimit = ignoredLimit || WordfenceAdminVars.scanIssuesPerPage; if (offset >= WFAD.scanIssuesNewCount && ignoredOffset >= WFAD.scanIssuesIgnoredCount) { return; } WFAD.ajax('wordfence_loadIssues', {offset: offset, limit: limit, ignoredOffset: ignoredOffset, ignoredLimit: ignoredLimit}, function(res) { WFAD.updateIssueCounts(res.issueCounts); WFAD.appendIssues(res.issues, callback); }); }, sev2num: function(str) { if (/wfProbSev1/.test(str)) { return 1; } else if (/wfProbSev2/.test(str)) { return 2; } else { return 0; } }, isIssueExpanded: function(issueID) { var key = 'wf-scan-issue-expanded-' + issueID; if (window.localStorage) { return !!parseInt(window.localStorage.getItem(key)); } return false; }, expandIssue: function(issueID, makeVisible) { var key = 'wf-scan-issue-expanded-' + issueID; if (window.localStorage) { window.localStorage.setItem(key, makeVisible ? 1 : 0); } }, displayIssues: function(res, callback) { for (var issueStatus in res.issues) { var containerID = 'wf-scan-results-' + issueStatus; if ($('#' + containerID).length < 1) { continue; } if (res.issues[issueStatus].length < 1) { continue; } $('#' + containerID).empty(); } WFAD.appendIssues(res.issues, callback); return true; }, appendIssues: function(issues, callback) { for (var issueStatus in issues) { var containerID = 'wf-scan-results-' + issueStatus; if ($('#' + containerID).length < 1) { continue; } var container = $('#' + containerID); for (var i = 0; i < issues[issueStatus].length; i++) { var issueObject = issues[issueStatus][i]; WFAD.appendIssue(issueObject, container); } } WFAD.sortIssues(); WFAD.updateBulkButtons(); if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback(); } }, appendIssue: function(issueObject, container) { var issueType = issueObject.type; var tmplName = 'issueTmpl_' + issueType; var template = $('#' + tmplName); if (template.length) { var issue = template.tmpl(issueObject); issue.data('sourceData', issueObject); issue.data('templateName', tmplName); if (this.isIssueExpanded(issueObject.id)) { issue.addClass('wf-active'); } //Hook up Details button issue.find('.wf-issue-control-show-details').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); var isActive = $(this).closest('.wf-issue').hasClass('wf-active'); var issueID = $(this).closest('.wf-issue').data('issueId'); WFAD.expandIssue(issueID, !isActive); $(this).closest('.wf-issue').toggleClass('wf-active', !isActive); }); //Hook up Ignore button issue.find('.wf-issue-control-ignore').each(function() { var issueID = $(this).closest('.wf-issue').data('issueId'); var menu = $(this).parent().find('.wf-issue-control-ignore-menu').menu().hide(); $(this).on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); var ignoreAction = $(this).data('ignoreAction'); if (ignoreAction == 'choice') { menu.show().position({ my: "left top", at: "left bottom", of: this }); $(document).on('click', function() { menu.hide(); }); } else { var self = this; WFAD.updateIssueStatus(issueID, ignoreAction, function(res) { if (res.ok) { var issueContainer = $(self).closest('.wf-scan-results-issues'); var issueElement = $(self).closest('.wf-issue'); var sourceData = issueElement.data('sourceData'); sourceData['status'] = ignoreAction; var targetContainerID = 'wf-scan-results-' + (issueContainer.attr('id') == 'wf-scan-results-new' ? 'ignored' : 'new'); var targetContainer = $('#' + targetContainerID); issueElement.remove(); WFAD.appendIssue(sourceData, targetContainer); WFAD.sortIssues(); WFAD.updateIssueCounts(res.issueCounts); WFAD.repositionSiteCleaningCallout(); WFAD.updateBulkButtons(); } }); } }); menu.find('.wf-issue-control-ignore-menu-ignorec').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); var self = this; WFAD.updateIssueStatus(issueID, 'ignoreC', function(res) { if (res.ok) { var issueContainer = $(self).closest('.wf-scan-results-issues'); var issueElement = $(self).closest('.wf-issue'); var sourceData = issueElement.data('sourceData'); sourceData['status'] = 'ignoreC'; var targetContainerID = 'wf-scan-results-' + (issueContainer.attr('id') == 'wf-scan-results-new' ? 'ignored' : 'new'); var targetContainer = $('#' + targetContainerID); issueElement.remove(); WFAD.appendIssue(sourceData, targetContainer); WFAD.sortIssues(); WFAD.updateIssueCounts(res.issueCounts); WFAD.repositionSiteCleaningCallout(); WFAD.updateBulkButtons(); } }); }); menu.find('.wf-issue-control-ignore-menu-ignorep').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); var self = this; WFAD.updateIssueStatus(issueID, 'ignoreP', function(res) { if (res.ok) { var issueContainer = $(self).closest('.wf-scan-results-issues'); var issueElement = $(self).closest('.wf-issue'); var sourceData = issueElement.data('sourceData'); sourceData['status'] = 'ignoreP'; var targetContainerID = 'wf-scan-results-' + (issueContainer.attr('id') == 'wf-scan-results-new' ? 'ignored' : 'new'); var targetContainer = $('#' + targetContainerID); issueElement.remove(); WFAD.appendIssue(sourceData, targetContainer); WFAD.sortIssues(); WFAD.updateIssueCounts(res.issueCounts); WFAD.repositionSiteCleaningCallout(); WFAD.updateBulkButtons(); } }); }); }); //Hook up Mark as Fixed button issue.find('.wf-issue-control-mark-fixed').each(function() { var issueID = $(this).closest('.wf-issue').data('issueId'); $(this).on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); var self = this; WFAD.updateIssueStatus(issueID, 'delete', function(res) { if (res.ok) { var issueElement = $(self).closest('.wf-issue'); issueElement.remove(); WFAD.updateIssueCounts(res.issueCounts); WFAD.repositionSiteCleaningCallout(); WFAD.updateBulkButtons(); } }); }); }); //Hook up Delete File button issue.find('.wf-issue-control-delete-file').each(function() { var issueID = $(this).closest('.wf-issue').data('issueId'); $(this).on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); var self = this; WFAD.deleteFile(issueID, false, function(res) { if (res.ok) { var issueElement = $(self).closest('.wf-issue'); issueElement.remove(); WFAD.updateIssueCounts(res.issueCounts); WFAD.repositionSiteCleaningCallout(); WFAD.updateBulkButtons(); WFAD.colorboxModal((WFAD.isSmallScreen ? '300px' : '400px'), __("Success deleting file"), sprintf(__("The file %s was successfully deleted."), res.file)); } else if (res.errorMsg) { WFAD.colorboxError(res.errorMsg, res.tokenInvalid); } }); }); }); //Hook up Repair button issue.find('.wf-issue-control-repair').each(function() { // Show prompt to download repair file var issueID = $(this).closest('.wf-issue').data('issueId'); $(this).on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); WFAD.promptToRepairFile(issueID, issueObject.data); }); }); //Hook up Hide File button issue.find('.wf-issue-control-hide-file').each(function() { var issueID = $(this).closest('.wf-issue').data('issueId'); $(this).on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); var self = this; WFAD.hideFile(issueID, function(res) { if (res.ok) { var issueElement = $(self).closest('.wf-issue'); issueElement.remove(); WFAD.updateIssueCounts(res.issueCounts); WFAD.repositionSiteCleaningCallout(); WFAD.updateBulkButtons(); WFAD.colorboxModal((WFAD.isSmallScreen ? '300px' : '400px'), __("File hidden successfully"), sprintf(__("The file %s was successfully hidden from public view."), res.file)); } else if (res.errorMsg) { WFAD.colorboxError(res.errorMsg, res.tokenInvalid); } }); }); }); //Hook up Tooltips issue.find('[data-tooltip]').each(function() { $(this).tooltip({ tooltipClass: "wf-tooltip", }); }); //Swap out if the row already exists var existing = $('.wf-issue[data-issue-id="' + issueObject.id + '"]'); if (existing.length) { existing.replaceWith(issue); } else { container.append(issue); } //Make row tappable issue.find('.wf-issue-summary').on('mousedown', function(e) { $(this).data('clickTapX', e.pageX).data('clickTapY', e.pageY); }).on('click', function(e) { var buffer = 10; var clickTapX = $(this).data('clickTapX'); var clickTapY = $(this).data('clickTapY'); if (clickTapX > e.pageX - buffer && clickTapX < e.pageX + buffer && clickTapY > e.pageY - buffer && clickTapY < e.pageY + buffer) { var links = $(this).find('a'); for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { var t = $(links[i]).offset().top; var l = $(links[i]).offset().left; var b = t + $(links[i]).height(); var r = l + $(links[i]).width(); if (e.pageX > l - buffer && e.pageX < r + buffer && e.pageY > t - buffer && e.pageY < b + buffer) { return; } } $(this).closest('.wf-issue').find('li.wf-issue-controls .wf-issue-control-show-details').trigger('click'); } }).css('cursor', 'pointer'); } }, sortIssues: function() { var issueTypes = ['new', 'ignored']; for (var i = 0; i < issueTypes.length; i++) { var containerID = 'wf-scan-results-' + issueTypes[i]; if ($('#' + containerID).length < 1) { continue; } var container = $('#' + containerID); var issuesDOM = container.find('.wf-issue'); issuesDOM.detach(); issuesDOM.sort(function(a, b) { var severityA = $(a).data('issueSeverity'); var severityB = $(b).data('issueSeverity'); if (severityA > severityB) { return -1; } else if (severityA < severityB) { return 1; } var typeA = $(a).data('issueType'); var typeB = $(b).data('issueType'); var typeAIndex = WFAD.siteCleaningIssueTypes.indexOf(typeA); var typeBIndex = WFAD.siteCleaningIssueTypes.indexOf(typeB); if (typeAIndex > -1 && typeBIndex > -1) { if (typeAIndex < typeBIndex) { return -1; } else if (typeAIndex > typeBIndex) { return 1; } return 0; } else if (typeAIndex > -1) { return -1; } else if (typeBIndex > -1) { return 1; } if (typeA < typeB) { return -1; } else if (typeA > typeB) { return 1; } return 0; }); container.append(issuesDOM); } WFAD.repositionSiteCleaningCallout(); WFAD.scanIssuesOffset = $('#wf-scan-results-new .wf-issue').length; WFAD.scanIssuesIgnoredOffset = $('#wf-scan-results-ignored .wf-issue').length; }, updateBulkButtons: function() { var containerID = 'wf-scan-results-new'; if ($('#' + containerID).length < 1) { return; } var hasDeleteable = false; var hasRepairable = false; var container = $('#' + containerID); var issuesDOM = container.find('.wf-issue'); for (var i = 0; i < issuesDOM.length; i++) { var sourceData = $(issuesDOM[i]).data('sourceData'); if (sourceData) { if (sourceData.data.canDelete) { hasDeleteable = true; } if (sourceData.data.canFix) { hasRepairable = true; } if (hasDeleteable && hasRepairable) { break; } } } $('#wf-scan-bulk-buttons-delete').toggleClass('wf-disabled', !hasDeleteable); $('#wf-scan-bulk-buttons-repair').toggleClass('wf-disabled', !hasRepairable); }, updateIssueCounts: function(issueCounts) { var newCount = (typeof issueCounts['new'] === 'undefined' ? 0 : parseInt(issueCounts['new'])); var ignoredCount = (typeof issueCounts['ignoreC'] === 'undefined' ? 0 : parseInt(issueCounts['ignoreC'])) + (typeof issueCounts['ignoreP'] === 'undefined' ? 0 : parseInt(issueCounts['ignoreP'])); WFAD.scanIssuesNewCount = newCount; WFAD.scanIssuesIgnoredCount = ignoredCount; WFAD.scanIssuesTotalCount = newCount + ignoredCount; $('#wf-scan-tab-new a').html($('#wf-scan-tab-new').data('tabTitle') + ' (' + newCount + ')'); $('#wf-scan-tab-ignored a').html($('#wf-scan-tab-ignored').data('tabTitle') + ' (' + ignoredCount + ')'); if (newCount == 0) { var existing = $('.wf-issue[data-issue-id="no-issues-new"]'); if (existing.length == 0) { var issue = $('#issueTmpl_noneFound').tmpl({shortMsg: __('No new issues have been found.'), id: 'no-issues-new'}); $('#wf-scan-results-new').append(issue); } } else { $('.wf-issue[data-issue-id="no-issues-new"]').remove(); } if (ignoredCount == 0) { var existing = $('.wf-issue[data-issue-id="no-issues-ignored"]'); if (existing.length == 0) { var issue = $('#issueTmpl_noneFound').tmpl({shortMsg: __('No issues have been ignored.'), id: 'no-issues-ignored'}); $('#wf-scan-results-ignored').append(issue); } } else { $('.wf-issue[data-issue-id="no-issues-ignored"]').remove(); } }, repositionSiteCleaningCallout: function() { $('.wf-issue-site-cleaning').remove(); var issueTypes = WFAD.siteCleaningIssueTypes; for (var i = 0; i < issueTypes.length; i++) { if ($('#wf-scan-results-new .wf-issue-' + issueTypes[i]).length) { if (!!$('#wf-scan-results-new .wf-issue-' + issueTypes[i]).data('betaSignatures')) { $('#wf-scan-results-new .wf-issue').first().after($('#siteCleaningBetaSigsTmpl').tmpl()); } else if (!!$('#wf-scan-results-new .wf-issue-' + issueTypes[i]).data('highSensitivity')) { $('#wf-scan-results-new .wf-issue').first().after($('#siteCleaningHighSenseTmpl').tmpl()); } else { $('#wf-scan-results-new .wf-issue').first().after($('#siteCleaningTmpl').tmpl()); } return; } } }, ajax: function(action, data, cb, cbErr, noLoading) { if (typeof(data) == 'string') { if (data.length > 0) { data += '&'; } data += 'action=' + action + '&nonce=' + this.nonce; } else if (typeof(data) == 'object' && data instanceof Array) { // jQuery serialized form data data.push({ name: 'action', value: action }); data.push({ name: 'nonce', value: this.nonce }); } else if (typeof(data) == 'object') { data['action'] = action; data['nonce'] = this.nonce; } if (!cb) { cb = function() { }; } if (!cbErr) { cbErr = function() { }; } var self = this; if (!noLoading) { this.showLoading(); } jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: WordfenceAdminVars.ajaxURL, dataType: "json", data: data, success: function(json) { if (!noLoading) { self.removeLoading(); } if (json && json.nonce) { self.nonce = json.nonce; } if (json && json.errorMsg) { WFAD.colorboxError(json.errorMsg, json.tokenInvalid); } cb(json); }, error: function() { if (!noLoading) { self.removeLoading(); } cbErr(); } }); }, colorbox: function(width, heading, body, settings) { if (typeof settings === 'undefined') { settings = {}; } this.colorboxQueue.push([width, "<h3>" + heading + "</h3><p>" + body + "</p>", settings]); this.colorboxServiceQueue(); }, colorboxModalHTML: function(width, heading, body, settings) { if (typeof settings === 'undefined') { settings = {}; } var prompt = $.tmpl(WordfenceAdminVars.modalHTMLTemplate, {title: heading, message: body}); var promptHTML = $("<div />").append(prompt).html(); var callback = settings.onComplete; settings.overlayClose = false; settings.closeButton = false; settings.className = 'wf-modal'; settings.onComplete = function() { $('#wf-generic-modal-close').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); WFAD.colorboxClose(); }); typeof callback === 'function' && callback(); }; this.colorboxHTML(width, promptHTML, settings) }, colorboxModal: function(width, heading, body, settings) { if (typeof settings === 'undefined') { settings = {}; } var prompt = $.tmpl(WordfenceAdminVars.modalTemplate, {title: heading, message: body}); var promptHTML = $("<div />").append(prompt).html(); var callback = settings.onComplete; settings.overlayClose = false; settings.closeButton = false; settings.className = 'wf-modal'; settings.onComplete = function() { $('#wf-generic-modal-close').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); WFAD.colorboxClose(); }); typeof callback === 'function' && callback(); }; this.colorboxHTML(width, promptHTML, settings) }, colorboxError: function(errorMsg, isTokenError) { var callback = false; if (isTokenError) { if (WFAD.tokenErrorShowing) { return; } callback = function() { setTimeout(function() { WFAD.tokenErrorShowing = false; }, 30000); }; WFAD.tokenErrorShowing = true; } var prompt = $.tmpl(WordfenceAdminVars.tokenInvalidTemplate, {title: __('An error occurred'), message: errorMsg}); var promptHTML = $("<div />").append(prompt).html(); var settings = {}; settings.overlayClose = false; settings.closeButton = false; settings.className = 'wf-modal'; settings.onComplete = function() { $('#wf-token-invalid-modal-reload').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); window.location.reload(true); }); typeof callback === 'function' && callback(); }; WFAD.colorboxHTML((WFAD.isSmallScreen ? '300px' : '400px'), promptHTML, settings); }, colorboxHTML: function(width, html, settings) { if (typeof settings === 'undefined') { settings = {}; } this.colorboxQueue.push([width, html, settings]); this.colorboxServiceQueue(); }, colorboxServiceQueue: function() { if (this.colorboxIsOpen) { return; } if (this.colorboxQueue.length < 1) { return; } var elem = this.colorboxQueue.shift(); this.colorboxOpen(elem[0], elem[1], elem[2]); }, colorboxOpen: function(width, html, settings) { var self = this; this.colorboxIsOpen = true; var onClosed = settings.onClosed || null; jQuery.extend(settings, { width: width, html: html, onClosed: function() { self.colorboxClose(); if (onClosed) onClosed(); } }); jQuery.wfcolorbox(settings); }, colorboxClose: function() { this.colorboxIsOpen = false; jQuery.wfcolorbox.close(); }, bulkOperationConfirmed: function(op) { WFAD.colorboxClose(); this.ajax('wordfence_bulkOperation', { op: op }, function(res) { if (res.ok) { for (var i = 0; i < res.idsRemoved.length; i++) { $('.wf-issue[data-issue-id="' + res.idsRemoved[i] + '"]').remove(); } WFAD.updateIssueCounts(res.issueCounts); WFAD.repositionSiteCleaningCallout(); WFAD.updateBulkButtons(); setTimeout(function() { WFAD.colorboxModalHTML((WFAD.isSmallScreen ? '300px' : '400px'), res.bulkHeading, res.bulkBody); }, 500); } }); }, deleteFile: function(issueID, force, callback) { this.ajax('wordfence_deleteFile', { issueID: issueID, forceDelete: force }, function(res) { if (res.needsCredentials) { document.location.href = res.redirect; } else { typeof callback === 'function' && callback(res); } }); }, promptToRepairFile: function(issueID, data) { if (window.localStorage) { var sudoExpiration = window.localStorage.getItem('wf-repair-file-sudo'); if (sudoExpiration && parseInt(sudoExpiration, 10) > new Date().getTime()) { this.repairFile(issueID); return; } } WFAD.colorboxModalHTML((WFAD.isSmallScreen ? '300px' : '400px'), __("Download Backup File"), __('Please make a backup of this file before proceeding. If you need to restore this backup file, you can copy it to the following path from your site\'s root:') + '<p class="wf-padding-add-top-medium"><code>' + data.file + '</code></p>' + '<a href="' + WFAD.makeDownloadFileLink(data) + '" onclick="jQuery(\'#wfRepairFileNextBtn\').prop(\'disabled\', false); return true;">' + __('Click here to download a backup copy of this file now') + '</a><p class="wf-flex-horizontal">' + '<input type="button" class="wf-btn wf-btn-primary" name="but1" id="wfRepairFileNextBtn" value="Repair File" disabled="disabled" onclick="WFAD.promptToRepairFileDone(' + parseInt(issueID, 10) + ', jQuery(\'#forceRepairFileCheckbox\').prop(\'checked\'));this.disabled=true;" />' + '<label class="wf-padding-add-left"><input type="checkbox" id="forceRepairFileCheckbox" onclick="jQuery(\'#wfRepairFileNextBtn\').prop(\'disabled\', !this.checked); return true;"> ' + __('Don\'t ask again') + '</label>' + '</p>' + '<div class="wordfenceHelpLink"><a href="' + WordfenceAdminVars.supportURLs['scan-result-repair-modified-files'] + '" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="wfhelp"></a><a href="' + WordfenceAdminVars.supportURLs['scan-result-repair-modified-files'] + '" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">' + __('Learn more about repairing modified files.') + ' (' + __('opens in new tab') + ')</a></div>' ); }, promptToRepairFileDone: function(issueID, dontPromptAgain) { if (dontPromptAgain) { if (window.localStorage) { window.localStorage.setItem('wf-repair-file-sudo', (new Date().getTime() + 86400000)); } } this.repairFile(issueID); }, repairFile: function(issueID) { var self = this; self.colorboxClose(); this.restoreFile(issueID, function(res) { if (res.ok) { var issueElement = $('.wf-issue[data-issue-id=' + parseInt(issueID, 10) + ']'); issueElement.remove(); self.updateIssueCounts(res.issueCounts); self.repositionSiteCleaningCallout(); self.updateBulkButtons(); self.colorboxModal((self.isSmallScreen ? '300px' : '400px'), __("Success restoring file"), sprintf(__("The file %s was successfully restored."), res.file)); } else if (res.errorMsg) { self.colorboxError(res.errorMsg, res.tokenInvalid); } }); }, deleteDatabaseOption: function(issueID) { var self = this; this.ajax('wordfence_deleteDatabaseOption', { issueID: issueID }, function(res) { self.doneDeleteDatabaseOption(res); }); }, doneDeleteDatabaseOption: function(res) { var cb = false; var self = this; if (res.ok) { this.loadIssues(function() { self.colorboxModal((self.isSmallScreen ? '300px' : '400px'), __("Success removing option"), sprintf(__("The option %s was successfully removed."), res.option_name)); }); } else if (res.cerrorMsg) { this.loadIssues(function() { WFAD.colorboxError(res.cerrorMsg, res.tokenInvalid); }); } }, useRecommendedHowGetIPs: function(issueID) { var self = this; this.ajax('wordfence_misconfiguredHowGetIPsChoice', { issueID: issueID, choice: 'yes' }, function(res) { if (res.ok) { jQuery('#wordfenceMisconfiguredHowGetIPsNotice').fadeOut(); self.loadIssues(function() { self.colorboxModal((self.isSmallScreen ? '300px' : '400px'), __("Success updating option"), __("The 'How does Wordfence get IPs' option was successfully updated to the recommended value.")); }); } else if (res.cerrorMsg) { self.loadIssues(function() { WFAD.colorboxError(res.cerrorMsg, res.tokenInvalid); }); } }); }, fixFPD: function(issueID) { var self = this; var title = __("Full Path Disclosure"); issueID = parseInt(issueID); this.ajax('wordfence_checkHtaccess', {}, function(res) { if (res.ok) { self.colorboxModalHTML((self.isSmallScreen ? '300px' : '400px'), title, __('We are about to change your <em>.htaccess</em> file. Please make a backup of this file before proceeding.') + '<br/>' + '<a href="' + WordfenceAdminVars.ajaxURL + '?action=wordfence_downloadHtaccess&nonce=' + self.nonce + '" onclick="jQuery(\'#wfFPDNextBut\').prop(\'disabled\', false); return true;">' + __('Click here to download a backup copy of your .htaccess file now') + '</a><br /><br /><input type="button" class="wf-btn wf-btn-default" name="but1" id="wfFPDNextBut" value="Click to fix .htaccess" disabled="disabled" onclick="WFAD.fixFPD_WriteHtAccess(' + issueID + ');" />'); } else if (res.nginx) { self.colorboxModalHTML((self.isSmallScreen ? '300px' : '400px'), title, __('You are using an Nginx web server and using a FastCGI processor like PHP5-FPM. You will need to manually modify your php.ini to disable <em>display_error</em>')); } else if (res.err) { self.colorboxModal((self.isSmallScreen ? '300px' : '400px'), __("We encountered a problem"), sprintf(__("We can't modify your .htaccess file for you because: %s"), res.err)); } }); }, fixFPD_WriteHtAccess: function(issueID) { var self = this; self.colorboxClose(); this.ajax('wordfence_fixFPD', { issueID: issueID }, function(res) { if (res.ok) { self.loadIssues(function() { self.colorboxModal((self.isSmallScreen ? '300px' : '400px'), __("File restored OK"), __("The Full Path disclosure issue has been fixed")); }); } else { self.loadIssues(function() { WFAD.colorboxError(res.cerrorMsg, res.tokenInvalid); }); } }); }, hideFile: function(issueID, callback) { WFAD.ajax('wordfence_checkHtaccess', {}, function(checkRes) { if (checkRes.ok) { WFAD.colorboxModalHTML((WFAD.isSmallScreen ? '300px' : '400px'), __('.htaccess change'), __('We are about to change your <em>.htaccess</em> file. Please make a backup of this file before proceeding.') + '<br/>' + '<a id="dlButton" href="' + WordfenceAdminVars.ajaxURL + '?action=wordfence_downloadHtaccess&nonce=' + WFAD.nonce + '">' + __('Click here to download a backup copy of your .htaccess file now') + '</a>' + '<br /><br /><input type="button" class="wf-btn wf-btn-default" name="but1" id="wfFPDNextBut" value="' + __('Click to fix .htaccess') + '" disabled="disabled" />' ); $('#dlButton').on('click', function(e) { $('#wfFPDNextBut').prop('disabled', false); }); $('#wfFPDNextBut').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); WFAD.ajax('wordfence_hideFileHtaccess', { issueID: issueID }, function(res) { WFAD.colorboxClose(); typeof callback === 'function' && callback(res); }); }); } else if (checkRes.nginx) { WFAD.colorboxModal((WFAD.isSmallScreen ? '300px' : '400px'), __('Unable to automatically hide file'), __('You are using an Nginx web server and using a FastCGI processor like PHP5-FPM. You will need to manually delete or hide those files.')); } else if (checkRes.err) { WFAD.colorboxModal((WFAD.isSmallScreen ? '300px' : '400px'), __("We encountered a problem"), sprintf(__("We can't modify your .htaccess file for you because: %s"), res.err)); } }); }, restoreFile: function(issueID, callback) { this.ajax('wordfence_restoreFile', { issueID: issueID }, function(res) { if (res.needsCredentials) { document.location.href = res.redirect; } else { typeof callback === 'function' && callback(res); } }); }, disableDirectoryListing: function(issueID) { var self = this; var title = "Disable Directory Listing"; issueID = parseInt(issueID); this.ajax('wordfence_checkHtaccess', {}, function(res) { if (res.ok) { self.colorboxModalHTML((self.isSmallScreen ? '300px' : '400px'), title, __('We are about to change your <em>.htaccess</em> file. Please make a backup of this file before proceeding.') + '<br/>' + '<a href="' + WordfenceAdminVars.ajaxURL + '?action=wordfence_downloadHtaccess&nonce=' + self.nonce + '" onclick="jQuery(\'#wf-htaccess-confirm\').prop(\'disabled\', false); return true;">' + __('Click here to download a backup copy of your .htaccess file now') + '</a>' + '<br /><br />' + '<button class="wf-btn wf-btn-default" type="button" id="wf-htaccess-confirm" disabled="disabled" onclick="WFAD.confirmDisableDirectoryListing(' + issueID + ');">' + __('Add code to .htaccess') + '</button>'); } else if (res.nginx) { self.colorboxModalHTML((self.isSmallScreen ? '300px' : '400px'), __("You are using Nginx as your web server. You'll need to disable autoindexing in your nginx.conf. See the <a target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer' href='https://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_autoindex_module.html'>Nginx docs for more info</a> on how to do this.")); } else if (res.err) { self.colorboxModal((self.isSmallScreen ? '300px' : '400px'), __("We encountered a problem"), sprintf(__("We can't modify your .htaccess file for you because: %s"), res.err)); } }); }, confirmDisableDirectoryListing: function(issueID) { var self = this; this.colorboxClose(); this.ajax('wordfence_disableDirectoryListing', { issueID: issueID }, function(res) { if (res.ok) { self.loadIssues(function() { self.colorboxModal((self.isSmallScreen ? '300px' : '400px'), __("Directory Listing Disabled"), __("Directory listing has been disabled on your server.")); }); } else { //self.loadIssues(function() { // self.colorbox('400px', 'An error occurred', res.errorMsg); //}); } }); }, deleteIssue: function(id) { var self = this; this.ajax('wordfence_deleteIssue', {id: id}, function(res) { self.loadIssues(); }); }, updateIssueStatus: function(id, st, callback) { this.ajax('wordfence_updateIssueStatus', {id: id, 'status': st}, function(res) { typeof callback === 'function' && callback(res); }); }, es: function(val) { if (val) { return val; } else { return ""; } }, noQuotes: function(str) { return str.replace(/"/g, '&#34;').replace(/\'/g, '&#145;'); }, commify: function(num) { return ("" + num).replace(/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/g, "$1,"); }, switchToLiveTab: function(elem) { jQuery('.wfTab1').removeClass('selected'); jQuery(elem).addClass('selected'); jQuery('.wfDataPanel').hide(); var self = this; jQuery('#wfActivity').fadeIn(function() { self.completeLiveTabSwitch(); }); }, completeLiveTabSwitch: function() { this.ajax('wordfence_loadActivityLog', {}, function(res) { var html = '<a href="#" class="wfALogMailLink" onclick="WFAD.emailActivityLog(); return false;" role="button"></a><a href="#" class="wfALogReloadLink" onclick="WFAD.reloadActivityData(); return false;" role="button"></a>'; if (res.events && res.events.length > 0) { jQuery('#wfActivity').empty(); for (var i = 0; i < res.events.length; i++) { var timeTaken = '0.0000'; if (res.events[i + 1]) { timeTaken = (res.events[i].ctime - res.events[i + 1].ctime).toFixed(4); } var red = ""; if (res.events[i].type == 'error') { red = ' class="wfWarn" '; } html += '<div ' + red + 'class="wfALogEntry"><span ' + red + 'class="wfALogTime">[' + res.events[i].type + '&nbsp;:&nbsp;' + timeTaken + '&nbsp;:&nbsp;' + res.events[i].timeAgo + ' ago]</span>&nbsp;' + res.events[i].msg + "</div>"; } jQuery('#wfActivity').html(html); } else { jQuery('#wfActivity').html("<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;" + __('No activity to report yet. Please complete your first scan.') + "</p>"); } }); }, emailActivityLog: function() { this.colorboxModalHTML((this.isSmallScreen ? '300px' : '400px'), __('Email Wordfence Activity Log'), __("Enter the email address you would like to send the Wordfence activity log to. Note that the activity log may contain thousands of lines of data. This log is usually only sent to a member of the Wordfence support team. It also contains your PHP configuration from the phpinfo() function for diagnostic data.") + "<br /><br /><input type='text' value='wftest@wordfence.com' size='20' id='wfALogRecip' /><input class='wf-btn wf-btn-default' type='button' value='" + __('Send') + "' onclick=\"WFAD.completeEmailActivityLog();\" />"); }, completeEmailActivityLog: function() { WFAD.colorboxClose(); var email = jQuery('#wfALogRecip').val(); if (!/^[^@]+@[^@]+$/.test(email)) { alert(__("Please enter a valid email address.")); return; } var self = this; this.ajax('wordfence_sendActivityLog', {email: jQuery('#wfALogRecip').val()}, function(res) { if (res.ok) { self.colorboxModal((self.isSmallScreen ? '300px' : '400px'), __('Activity Log Sent'), sprintf(__("Your Wordfence activity log was sent to %s"), email)); } }); }, reloadActivityData: function() { jQuery('#wfActivity').html('<div class="wfLoadingWhite32"></div>'); //&nbsp;<br />&nbsp;<br />&nbsp;<br />&nbsp;<br />&nbsp;<br />&nbsp;<br />&nbsp;<br />&nbsp;<br />&nbsp;<br />&nbsp;<br /> this.completeLiveTabSwitch(); }, switchToSummaryTab: function(elem) { jQuery('.wfTab1').removeClass('selected'); jQuery(elem).addClass('selected'); jQuery('.wfDataPanel').hide(); jQuery('#wfSummaryTables').fadeIn(); }, switchIssuesTab: function(elem, type) { jQuery('.wfTab2').removeClass('selected'); jQuery('.wfIssuesContainer').hide(); jQuery(elem).addClass('selected'); this.visibleIssuesPanel = type; jQuery('#wfIssues_' + type).fadeIn(); }, switchTab: function(tabElement, tabClass, contentClass, selectedContentID, callback) { jQuery('.' + tabClass).removeClass('selected'); jQuery(tabElement).addClass('selected'); jQuery('.' + contentClass).hide().html('<div class="wfLoadingWhite32"></div>'); var func = function() { }; if (callback) { func = function() { callback(); }; } jQuery('#' + selectedContentID).fadeIn(func); }, reloadLiveTraffic: function() { this.newestActivityTime = 0; this.updateLiveTraffic(true); }, ucfirst: function(str) { str = "" + str; return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1); }, makeIPTrafLink: function(IP) { return WordfenceAdminVars.siteBaseURL + '?_wfsf=IPTraf&nonce=' + this.nonce + '&IP=' + encodeURIComponent(IP); }, getRealFileParameters: function(data) { if ('realFile' in data) { return '&realFile=' + encodeURIComponent(this.es(data['realFile'])) + '&realFileToken=' + encodeURIComponent(this.es(data['realFileToken'])); } else { return ''; } }, makeDiffLink: function(dat) { return WordfenceAdminVars.siteBaseURL + '?_wfsf=diff&nonce=' + this.nonce + '&file=' + encodeURIComponent(this.es(dat['file'])) + this.getRealFileParameters(dat) + '&cType=' + encodeURIComponent(this.es(dat['cType'])) + '&cKey=' + encodeURIComponent(this.es(dat['cKey'])) + '&cName=' + encodeURIComponent(this.es(dat['cName'])) + '&cVersion=' + encodeURIComponent(this.es(dat['cVersion'])); }, makeViewFileLink: function(data) { return WordfenceAdminVars.siteBaseURL + '?_wfsf=view&nonce=' + this.nonce + '&file=' + encodeURIComponent(data.file) + this.getRealFileParameters(data); }, makeDownloadFileLink: function(data) { return WordfenceAdminVars.siteBaseURL + '?_wfsf=download&nonce=' + this.nonce + '&file=' + encodeURIComponent(data.file) + this.getRealFileParameters(data); }, makeViewOptionLink: function(option, siteID) { return WordfenceAdminVars.siteBaseURL + '?_wfsf=viewOption&nonce=' + this.nonce + '&option=' + encodeURIComponent(option) + '&site_id=' + encodeURIComponent(siteID); }, parseHashes: function() { var hashes = window.location.hash.replace('%23', '#'); var splitHashes = hashes.split('#'); var result = []; for (var i = 0; i < splitHashes.length; i++) { if (splitHashes[i].length > 0) { result.push(splitHashes[i]); } } return result; }, makeTimeAgo: function(t) { var months = Math.floor(t / (86400 * 30)); var days = Math.floor(t / 86400); var hours = Math.floor(t / 3600); var minutes = Math.floor(t / 60); if (months > 0) { days -= months * 30; return this.pluralize(months, 'month', days, 'day'); } else if (days > 0) { hours -= days * 24; return this.pluralize(days, 'day', hours, 'hour'); } else if (hours > 0) { minutes -= hours * 60; return this.pluralize(hours, 'hour', minutes, 'min'); } else if (minutes > 0) { //t -= minutes * 60; return this.pluralize(minutes, 'minute'); } else { return Math.round(t) + " seconds"; } }, pluralize: function(m1, t1, m2, t2) { if (m1 != 1) { t1 = t1 + 's'; } if (m2 != 1) { t2 = t2 + 's'; } if (m1 && m2) { return m1 + ' ' + t1 + ' ' + m2 + ' ' + t2; } else { return m1 + ' ' + t1; } }, isValidIP: function(ip) { if (!ip) { return false; } ip = ip.replace(/ /g, ''); if (ip.match(/^(?:\d{1,3}(?:\.|$)){4}/)) { //IPv4 var octets = ip.split('.'); if (octets.length != 4) { return false; } for (var i = 0; i < octets.length; i++) { if (parseInt(octets[i]) > 255) { return false; } } return !!this.inet_pton(ip); } else if (ip.match(/^((?:[\da-f]{1,4}(?::|)){0,8})(::)?((?:[\da-f]{1,4}(?::|)){0,8})$/i)) { //IPv6 if (ip == '::') { return true; } var colonCount = ip.split(':').length - 1; var doubleColonPos = ip.indexOf('::'); if (doubleColonPos > -1) { var expansionLength = ((doubleColonPos == 0 || doubleColonPos == ip.length - 2) ? 9 : 8) - colonCount; if (expansionLength == 0) { //Double-colon in a full IPv6 address return false; } var expansion = ''; for (i = 0; i < expansionLength; i++) { expansion += ':0000'; } ip = ip.replace('::', expansion + ':'); ip = ip.replace(/(?:^\:|\:$)/, '', ip); } var ipGroups = ip.split(':'); var ipBin = ''; for (i = 0; i < ipGroups.length; i++) { var group = ipGroups[i]; if (group.length > 4 || group.length == 0) { return false; } group = ("0000" + group).slice(-4); var b1 = parseInt(group.slice(0, 2), 16); var b2 = parseInt(group.slice(-2), 16); if (isNaN(b1) || isNaN(b2)) { return false; } ipBin += String.fromCharCode(b1) + String.fromCharCode(b2); } return ipBin.length == 16 ? true : false; } return false; }, parseIPRange: function(range) { if (!range) { return false; } range = range.replace(/ /g, ''); range = range.replace(/[\u2013-\u2015]/g, '-'); //Non-hyphen dashes to hyphen if (range && /^[^\-]+\-[^\-]+$/.test(range)) { var count = 1; var countOverflow = false; var ips = range.split('-'); var ip1 = this.inet_pton(ips[0]); var ip2 = this.inet_pton(ips[1]); if (ip1 === false || !this.isValidIP(ips[0]) || ip2 === false || !this.isValidIP(ips[1])) { return false; } //Both to 16-byte binary strings var binStart = ("\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\xff" + ip1).slice(-16); var binEnd = ("\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\xff" + ip2).slice(-16); for (var i = 0; i < binStart.length; i++) { var n0 = binStart.charCodeAt(i); var n1 = binEnd.charCodeAt(i); if (i < 11 && n1 - n0 > 0) { //Based on Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, which equals 2 ^ 53 - 1. Any of the first 9 bytes and part of the 10th that add to the range will put us over that countOverflow = true; break; } else if (i < 11 && n1 - n0 < 0) { return false; } count += (n1 - n0) << (8 * (15 - i)); if (count < 1) { return false; } } return {start: ip1, end: ip2, count: count, countOverflow: countOverflow}; } else if (range && /^[^\/]+\/\d+$/.test(range)) { var count = 1; var countOverflow = false; var components = range.split('/'); var ip = this.inet_pton(components[0]); var bits = parseInt(components[1]); if (ip === false || !this.isValidIP(components[0])) { return false; } var binIP = ("\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\xff" + ip).slice(-16); if (binIP.slice(12) === "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\xff") { if (bits < 1 || bits > 32) { return false; } } else { if (bits < 1 || bits > 128) { return false; } } if (bits >= 53) { countOverflow = true; count = Math.pow(2, 53) - 1; /* Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER is unavailable in IE */ } else { count = Math.pow(2, bits); } return {ip: ip, bits: bits, count: count, countOverflow: countOverflow}; } return false; }, calcRangeTotal: function() { var range = jQuery('#ipRange').val(); if (!range) { return; } range = range.replace(/ /g, ''); range = range.replace(/[\u2013-\u2015]/g, '-'); //Non-hyphen dashes to hyphen if (range && /^[^\-]+\-[^\-]+$/.test(range)) { var count = 1; var countOverflow = false; var badRange = false; var badIP = false; var ips = range.split('-'); var ip1 = this.inet_pton(ips[0]); var ip2 = this.inet_pton(ips[1]); if (ip1 === false || ip2 === false) { badIP = true; } else { //Both to 16-byte binary strings var binStart = ("\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\xff" + ip1).slice(-16); var binEnd = ("\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\xff" + ip2).slice(-16); for (var i = 0; i < binStart.length; i++) { var n0 = binStart.charCodeAt(i); var n1 = binEnd.charCodeAt(i); if (i < 11 && n1 - n0 > 0) { //Based on Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, which equals 2 ^ 53 - 1. Any of the first 9 bytes and part of the 10th that add to the range will put us over that countOverflow = true; break; } else if (i < 11 && n1 - n0 < 0) { badRange = true; break; } count += (n1 - n0) << (8 * (15 - i)); if (count < 1) { badRange = true; break; } } } if (badIP) { jQuery('#wfShowRangeTotal').html("<span style=\"color: #F00;\">Invalid IP entered.</span>"); return; } else if (badRange) { jQuery('#wfShowRangeTotal').html("<span style=\"color: #F00;\">Invalid. Starting IP is greater than ending IP.</span>"); return; } else if (countOverflow) { jQuery('#wfShowRangeTotal').html("<span style=\"color: #0A0;\">Valid: &gt;281474976710656 addresses in range.</span>"); return; } jQuery('#wfShowRangeTotal').html("<span style=\"color: #0A0;\">Valid: " + count + " addresses in range.</span>"); } else { jQuery('#wfShowRangeTotal').empty(); } }, completeWhois: function(res, ret) { ret = ret === undefined ? false : !!ret; var self = this; var rawhtml = ""; var ipRangeTmpl = jQuery("<div><div class='wf-flex-row'>" + "<a class=\"wf-btn wf-btn-default wf-flex-row-0\" href=\"${adminUrl}\">" + __('Block This Network') + "</a>" + "<span class='wf-flex-row-1 wf-padding-add-left'>{{html totalStr}}{{if totalStr.indexOf(ipRange) == -1}} (${ipRange}){{/if}}" + '{{if (totalIPs)}}<br>[' + __('${totalIPs} addresses in this network') + ']{{/if}}' + "</span></div></div>"); if (res.ok && res.result && res.result.rawdata && res.result.rawdata.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < res.result.rawdata.length; i++) { res.result.rawdata[i] = jQuery('<div />').text(res.result.rawdata[i]).html(); res.result.rawdata[i] = res.result.rawdata[i].replace(/([a-zA-Z0-9\-._+]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\-._]+)/, "<a href=\"mailto:$1\">$1<\/a>"); res.result.rawdata[i] = res.result.rawdata[i].replace(/(https?:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9\-._+\/?&=#%:@;]+)/, "<a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" href=\"$1\">$1<\/a>"); function wfm21(str, startStr, ipRange, offset, totalStr) { var ips = ipRange.split(/\s*\-\s*/); var totalIPs = NaN; if (ips[0].indexOf(':') < 0) { var ip1num = self.inet_aton(ips[0]); var ip2num = self.inet_aton(ips[1]); totalIPs = ip2num - ip1num + 1; } var adminUrl = "admin.php?page=WordfenceWAF&wfBlockRange=" + encodeURIComponent(ipRange) + "#top#blocking"; return jQuery(ipRangeTmpl).tmpl({ adminUrl: adminUrl, totalStr: totalStr, ipRange: ipRange, totalIPs: totalIPs }).wrapAll('<div>').parent().html(); } function buildRangeLink2(str, startStr, octet1, octet2, octet3, octet4, cidrRange, offset, totalStr) { octet3 = octet3.length > 0 ? octet3 : '0'; octet4 = octet4.length > 0 ? octet4 : '0'; var rangeStart = [octet1, octet2, octet3, octet4].join('.'); var rangeStartNum = self.inet_aton(rangeStart); cidrRange = parseInt(cidrRange, 10); if (!isNaN(rangeStartNum) && cidrRange > 0 && cidrRange < 32) { var rangeEndNum = rangeStartNum; for (var i = 32, j = 1; i >= cidrRange; i--, j *= 2) { rangeEndNum |= j; } rangeEndNum = rangeEndNum >>> 0; var ipRange = self.inet_ntoa(rangeStartNum) + ' - ' + self.inet_ntoa(rangeEndNum); var totalIPs = rangeEndNum - rangeStartNum + 1; var adminUrl = "admin.php?page=WordfenceWAF&wfBlockRange=" + encodeURIComponent(ipRange) + "#top#blocking"; return jQuery(ipRangeTmpl).tmpl({ adminUrl: adminUrl, totalStr: totalStr, ipRange: ipRange, totalIPs: totalIPs }).wrapAll('<div>').parent().html(); } return str; } var rangeRegex = /(.*?)(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3} - \d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}|[a-f0-9:.]{3,} - [a-f0-9:.]{3,}).*$/i; var cidrRegex = /(.*?)(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.?(\d{0,3})\.?(\d{0,3})\/(\d{1,3}).*$/i; if (rangeRegex.test(res.result.rawdata[i])) { res.result.rawdata[i] = res.result.rawdata[i].replace(rangeRegex, wfm21); rawhtml += res.result.rawdata[i]; } else if (cidrRegex.test(res.result.rawdata[i])) { res.result.rawdata[i] = res.result.rawdata[i].replace(cidrRegex, buildRangeLink2); rawhtml += res.result.rawdata[i]; } else { rawhtml += res.result.rawdata[i] + "<br />"; } } rawhtml = rawhtml.replace(/<\/div><br \/>/g, '</div>'); } else { var message = __('Sorry, but no data for that IP or domain was found.'); var content = jQuery('<span style="color: #F00;">'); content.text(message); rawhtml = content.get(0).outerHTML; } if (ret) { return rawhtml; } jQuery('#wfrawhtml').html(rawhtml); }, blockIPUARange: function(ipRange, hostname, uaRange, referer, reason) { if (!/\w+/.test(reason)) { this.colorboxModal('300px', __("Please specify a reason"), __("You forgot to include a reason you're blocking this IP range. We ask you to include this for your own record keeping.")); return; } ipRange = ipRange.replace(/ /g, '').toLowerCase(); ipRange = ipRange.replace(/[\u2013-\u2015]/g, '-'); //Non-hyphen dashes to hyphen if (ipRange) { var range = ipRange.split('-'), validRange; if (range.length !== 2) { validRange = false; } else if (range[0].match(':')) { validRange = this.inet_pton(range[0]) !== false && this.inet_pton(range[1]) !== false; } else if (range[0].match('.')) { validRange = this.inet_aton(range[0]) !== false && this.inet_aton(range[1]) !== false; } if (!validRange) { this.colorboxModal('300px', __('Specify a valid IP range'), __("Please specify a valid IP address range in the form of \" -\" without quotes. Make sure the dash between the IP addresses in a normal dash (a minus sign on your keyboard) and not another character that looks like a dash.")); return; } } if (hostname && !/^[a-z0-9\.\*\-]+$/i.test(hostname)) { this.colorboxModalHTML('300px', __('Specify a valid hostname'), sprintf(__('%s is not valid hostname'), '<i>' + this.htmlEscape(hostname) + '</i>')); return; } if (!(/\w+/.test(ipRange) || /\w+/.test(uaRange) || /\w+/.test(referer) || /\w+/.test(hostname))) { this.colorboxModal('300px', __('Specify an IP range, Hostname or Browser pattern'), __("Please specify either an IP address range, Hostname or a web browser pattern to match.")); return; } var self = this; this.ajax('wordfence_blockIPUARange', { ipRange: ipRange, hostname: hostname, uaRange: uaRange, referer: referer, reason: reason }, function(res) { if (res.ok) { self.loadBlockRanges(); return; } }); }, blockIP: function(IP, reason, callback) { var self = this; this.ajax('wordfence_blockIP', { IP: IP, reason: reason }, function(res) { if (res.errorMsg) { return; } else { self.reloadLiveTraffic(); typeof callback === 'function' && callback(); } }); }, unlockOutIP: function(IP) { var self = this; this.ajax('wordfence_unlockOutIP', { IP: IP }, function(res) { self.staticTabChanged(); }); }, unblockIP: function(IP, callback) { var self = this; this.ajax('wordfence_unblockIP', { IP: IP }, function(res) { self.reloadLiveTraffic(); typeof callback === 'function' && callback(); }); }, unblockNetwork: function(id) { var self = this; this.ajax('wordfence_unblockRange', { id: id }, function(res) { self.reloadLiveTraffic(); }); }, unblockIPTwo: function(IP) { var self = this; this.ajax('wordfence_unblockIP', { IP: IP }, function(res) { self.staticTabChanged(); }); }, permBlockIP: function(IP) { var self = this; this.ajax('wordfence_permBlockIP', { IP: IP }, function(res) { self.staticTabChanged(); }); }, makeElemID: function() { return 'wfElemGen' + this.elementGeneratorIter++; }, pulse: function(sel) { jQuery(sel).fadeIn(function() { setTimeout(function() { jQuery(sel).fadeOut(); }, 2000); }); }, twoFacStatus: function(msg) { this.colorboxModal('300px', __('Two Factor Status'), msg); }, addTwoFactor: function(username, phone, mode) { var self = this; this.ajax('wordfence_addTwoFactor', { username: username, phone: phone, mode: mode }, function(res) { if (res.ok) { if (mode == 'authenticator') { var totpURL = "otpauth://totp/" + encodeURI(res.homeurl) + encodeURI(" (" + res.username + ")") + "?" + res.uriQueryString + "&issuer=Wordfence"; var message = __('Scan the code below with your authenticator app to add this account. Some authenticator apps also allow you to type in the text version instead.') + "<br><div id=\"wfTwoFactorQRCodeTable\"></div><br><strong>" + __('Key:') + "</strong> <input type=\"text\"" + (self.isSmallScreen ? "" : " size=\"45\"") + " value=\"" + res.base32Secret + "\" onclick=\"this.select();\" readonly>"; if (res.recoveryCodes.length > 0) { message = message + "<br><br><strong>" + __('Recovery Codes') + "</strong><br><p>" + sprintf(__("Use one of these %s codes to log in if you lose access to your authenticator device. Codes are 16 characters long, plus optional spaces. Each one may be used only once."), res.recoveryCodes.length) + "</p><ul id=\"wfTwoFactorRecoveryCodes\">"; var recoveryCodeFileContents = __('Cellphone Sign-In Recovery Codes') + " - " + res.homeurl + " (" + res.username + ")\r\n"; recoveryCodeFileContents = recoveryCodeFileContents + "\r\n" + __("Each line of 16 letters and numbers is a single recovery code, with optional spaces for readability. When typing your password, enter \"wf\" followed by the entire code like \"mypassword wf1234 5678 90AB CDEF\". If your site shows a separate prompt for entering a code after entering only your username and password, enter only the code like \"1234 5678 90AB CDEF\". Your recovery codes are:") + "\r\n\r\n"; var splitter = /.{4}/g; for (var i = 0; i < res.recoveryCodes.length; i++) { var code = res.recoveryCodes[i]; var chunks = code.match(splitter); message = message + "<li>" + chunks[0] + " " + chunks[1] + " " + chunks[2] + " " + chunks[3] + "</li>"; recoveryCodeFileContents = recoveryCodeFileContents + chunks[0] + " " + chunks[1] + " " + chunks[2] + " " + chunks[3] + "\r\n"; } message = message + "</ul>"; message = message + "<p class=\"wf-center\"><a href=\"#\" class=\"wf-btn wf-btn-default\" id=\"wfTwoFactorDownload\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\"><i class=\"dashicons dashicons-download\"></i> " + __('Download') + "</a></p>"; } message = message + "<p><em>" + __("This will be shown only once. Keep these codes somewhere safe.") + "</em></p>"; self.colorboxModalHTML((self.isSmallScreen ? '300px' : '440px'), __("Authentication Code"), message, {onComplete: function() { jQuery('#wfTwoFactorQRCodeTable').qrcode({text: totpURL, width: (self.isSmallScreen ? 175 : 256), height: (self.isSmallScreen ? 175 : 256)}); jQuery('#wfTwoFactorDownload').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); saveAs(new Blob([recoveryCodeFileContents], {type: "text/plain;charset=" + document.characterSet}), self.htmlEscape(res.homeurl) + "_" + self.htmlEscape(res.username) + "_recoverycodes.txt"); }); }}); } else { if (res.recoveryCodes.length > 0) { var message = "<p>" + sprintf(__("Use one of these %s codes to log in if you are unable to access your phone. Codes are 16 characters long, plus optional spaces. Each one may be used only once."), res.recoveryCodes.length) + "</p><ul id=\"wfTwoFactorRecoveryCodes\">"; var recoveryCodeFileContents = __('Cellphone Sign-In Recovery Codes') + " - " + res.homeurl + " (" + res.username + ")\r\n"; recoveryCodeFileContents = recoveryCodeFileContents + "\r\n" + __("Each line of 16 letters and numbers is a single recovery code, with optional spaces for readability. When typing your password, enter \"wf\" followed by the entire code like \"mypassword wf1234 5678 90AB CDEF\". If your site shows a separate prompt for entering a code after entering only your username and password, enter only the code like \"1234 5678 90AB CDEF\". Your recovery codes are:") + "\r\n\r\n"; var splitter = /.{4}/g; for (var i = 0; i < res.recoveryCodes.length; i++) { var code = res.recoveryCodes[i]; var chunks = code.match(splitter); message = message + "<li>" + chunks[0] + " " + chunks[1] + " " + chunks[2] + " " + chunks[3] + "</li>"; recoveryCodeFileContents = recoveryCodeFileContents + chunks[0] + " " + chunks[1] + " " + chunks[2] + " " + chunks[3] + "\r\n"; } message = message + "<p class=\"wf-center\"><a href=\"#\" class=\"wf-btn wf-btn-default\" id=\"wfTwoFactorDownload\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\"><i class=\"dashicons dashicons-download\"></i> " + __('Download') + "</a></p>"; message = message + "</ul><p><em>" + __("This will be shown only once. Keep these codes somewhere safe.") + "</em></p>"; self.colorboxModalHTML((self.isSmallScreen ? '300px' : '400px'), __("Recovery Codes"), message, {onComplete: function() { jQuery('#wfTwoFactorDownload').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); saveAs(new Blob([recoveryCodeFileContents], {type: "text/plain;charset=" + document.characterSet}), self.htmlEscape(res.homeurl) + "_" + self.htmlEscape(res.username) + "_recoverycodes.txt"); }); }}); } } var updatedTwoFac = jQuery('#wfTwoFacUserTmpl').tmpl({users: [res]}); jQuery('#twoFactorUser-none').remove(); jQuery('#wfTwoFacUsers > table > tbody:last-child').append(updatedTwoFac.find('tbody > tr')); } }); }, twoFacActivate: function(userID, code) { var self = this; this.ajax('wordfence_twoFacActivate', { userID: userID, code: code }, function(res) { if (res.ok) { var updatedTwoFac = jQuery('#wfTwoFacUserTmpl').tmpl({users: [res]}); updatedTwoFac.find('tbody > tr').each(function(index, element) { jQuery('#' + jQuery(element).attr('id')).replaceWith(element); }); self.twoFacStatus(__('Cellphone Sign-in activated for user.')); } }); }, delTwoFac: function(userID) { this.ajax('wordfence_twoFacDel', { userID: userID }, function(res) { if (res.ok) { jQuery('#twoFactorUser-' + res.userID).fadeOut(function() { jQuery(this).remove(); if (jQuery('#wfTwoFacUsers > table > tbody:last-child').children().length == 0) { jQuery('#wfTwoFacUsers').html(jQuery('#wfTwoFacUserTmpl').tmpl({users: []})); } }); } }); }, loadTwoFactor: function() { this.ajax('wordfence_loadTwoFactor', {}, function(res) { jQuery('#wfTwoFacUsers').html(jQuery('#wfTwoFacUserTmpl').tmpl(res)); }); }, getQueryParam: function(name) { name = name.replace(/[\[]/, "\\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\\]"); var regexS = "[\\?&]" + name + "=([^&#]*)"; var regex = new RegExp(regexS); var results = regex.exec(window.location.search); if (results == null) { return ""; } else { return decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, " ")); } }, inet_aton: function(dot) { var d = dot.split('.'); return ((((((+d[0]) * 256) + (+d[1])) * 256) + (+d[2])) * 256) + (+d[3]); }, inet_ntoa: function(num) { var d = num % 256; for (var i = 3; i > 0; i--) { num = Math.floor(num / 256); d = num % 256 + '.' + d; } return d; }, inet_pton: function(a) { // discuss at: http://phpjs.org/functions/inet_pton/ // original by: Theriault // example 1: inet_pton('::'); // returns 1: '\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0' // example 2: inet_pton(''); // returns 2: '\x7F\x00\x00\x01' var r, m, x, i, j, f = String.fromCharCode; m = a.match(/^(?:\d{1,3}(?:\.|$)){4}/); // IPv4 if (m) { m = m[0].split('.'); m = f(m[0]) + f(m[1]) + f(m[2]) + f(m[3]); // Return if 4 bytes, otherwise false. return m.length === 4 ? m : false; } r = /^((?:[\da-f]{1,4}(?::|)){0,8})(::)?((?:[\da-f]{1,4}(?::|)){0,8})$/i; m = a.match(r); // IPv6 if (m) { if (a == '::') { return "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"; } var colonCount = a.split(':').length - 1; var doubleColonPos = a.indexOf('::'); if (doubleColonPos > -1) { var expansionLength = ((doubleColonPos == 0 || doubleColonPos == a.length - 2) ? 9 : 8) - colonCount; var expansion = ''; for (i = 0; i < expansionLength; i++) { expansion += ':0000'; } a = a.replace('::', expansion + ':'); a = a.replace(/(?:^\:|\:$)/, '', a); } var ipGroups = a.split(':'); var ipBin = ''; for (i = 0; i < ipGroups.length; i++) { var group = ipGroups[i]; if (group.length > 4) { return false; } group = ("0000" + group).slice(-4); var b1 = parseInt(group.slice(0, 2), 16); var b2 = parseInt(group.slice(-2), 16); if (isNaN(b1) || isNaN(b2)) { return false; } ipBin += f(b1) + f(b2); } return ipBin.length == 16 ? ipBin : false; } return false; // Invalid IP. }, inet_ntop: function(a) { // discuss at: http://phpjs.org/functions/inet_ntop/ // original by: Theriault // example 1: inet_ntop('\x7F\x00\x00\x01'); // returns 1: '' // example 2: inet_ntop('\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\1'); // returns 2: '::1' var i = 0, m = '', c = []; a += ''; if (a.length === 4) { // IPv4 return [ a.charCodeAt(0), a.charCodeAt(1), a.charCodeAt(2), a.charCodeAt(3)].join('.'); } else if (a.length === 16) { // IPv6 for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { c.push(((a.charCodeAt(i++) << 8) + a.charCodeAt(i)) .toString(16)); } return c.join(':') .replace(/((^|:)0(?=:|$))+:?/g, function(t) { m = (t.length > m.length) ? t : m; return t; }) .replace(m || ' ', '::'); } else { // Invalid length return false; } }, deleteAdminUser: function(issueID) { var self = this; this.ajax('wordfence_deleteAdminUser', { issueID: issueID }, function(res) { if (res.ok) { self.loadIssues(function() { self.colorboxModal((self.isSmallScreen ? '300px' : '400px'), __("Successfully deleted admin"), sprintf(__("The admin user %s was successfully deleted."), res.user_login)); }); } else if (res.errorMsg) { self.loadIssues(function() { WFAD.colorboxError(res.errorMsg, res.tokenInvalid); }); } }); }, revokeAdminUser: function(issueID) { var self = this; this.ajax('wordfence_revokeAdminUser', { issueID: issueID }, function(res) { if (res.ok) { self.loadIssues(function() { self.colorboxModal((self.isSmallScreen ? '300px' : '400px'), __("Successfully revoked admin"), sprintf(__("All capabilties of admin user %s were successfully revoked."), res.user_login)); }); } else if (res.errorMsg) { self.loadIssues(function() { WFAD.colorboxError(res.errorMsg, res.tokenInvalid); }); } }); }, acknowledgeAdminUser: function (issueID) { var self = this; this.ajax('wordfence_acknowledgeAdminUser', { issueID: issueID }, function(res) { if (res.ok) { self.loadIssues(function() { self.colorboxModal((self.isSmallScreen ? '300px' : '400px'), __("Successfully acknowledged admin"), sprintf(__("The admin user %s will no longer show up in future scans."), res.user_login)); }); } else if (res.errorMsg) { self.loadIssues(function() { WFAD.colorboxError(res.errorMsg, res.tokenInvalid); }); } }); }, windowHasFocus: function() { if (typeof document.hasFocus === 'function') { return document.hasFocus(); } // Older versions of Opera return this._windowHasFocus; }, htmlEscape: function(html) { return String(html) .replace(/&/g, '&amp;') .replace(/"/g, '&quot;') .replace(/'/g, '&#39;') .replace(/</g, '&lt;') .replace(/>/g, '&gt;'); }, permanentlyBlockAllIPs: function(type) { var self = this; this.ajax('wordfence_permanentlyBlockAllIPs', { type: type }, function(res) { $('#wfTabs').find('.wfTab1').eq(0).trigger('click'); }); }, showTimestamp: function(timestamp, serverTime, format) { serverTime = serverTime === undefined ? new Date().getTime() / 1000 : serverTime; format = format === undefined ? '${dateTime} (${timeAgo} ago)' : format; var date = new Date(timestamp * 1000); return jQuery.tmpl(format, { dateTime: date.toLocaleDateString() + ' ' + date.toLocaleTimeString(), timeAgo: this.makeTimeAgo(serverTime - timestamp) }); }, updateTimeAgo: function() { var self = this; jQuery('.wfTimeAgo-timestamp').each(function(idx, elem) { var el = jQuery(elem); var testEl = el; if (typeof jQuery === "function" && testEl instanceof jQuery) { testEl = testEl[0]; } var rect = testEl.getBoundingClientRect(); if (!(rect.top >= 0 && rect.left >= 0 && rect.bottom <= (window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight) && rect.right <= (window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth))) { return; } var timestamp = el.data('wfctime'); if (!timestamp) { timestamp = el.attr('data-timestamp'); } var serverTime = self.serverMicrotime; var format = el.data('wfformat'); if (!format) { format = el.attr('data-format'); } el.html(self.showTimestamp(timestamp, serverTime, format)); }); }, wafData: { whitelistedURLParams: [] }, restoreWAFData: { whitelistedURLParams: [] }, wafWhitelistedBulkChangeEnabled: function(enabled) { $('.wf-whitelist-table-bulk-checkbox.wf-option-checkbox.wf-checked').each(function() { $(this).closest('tr').find('.wf-whitelist-item-enabled.wf-option-checkbox').each(function() { if (($(this).hasClass('wf-checked') && !enabled) || (!$(this).hasClass('wf-checked') && enabled)) { var tr = $(this).closest('tr'); if (tr.is(':visible')) { WFAD.wafWhitelistedChangeEnabled(tr.data('key'), enabled); } } }); }) }, wafWhitelistedChangeEnabled: function(key, enabled) { $('#waf-whitelisted-urls-wrapper .whitelist-table > tbody > tr[data-key="' + key + '"]').each(function() { var adding = !!$(this).data('adding'); if (adding) { WFAD.pendingChanges['whitelistedURLParams']['add'][key]['data']['disabled'] = !enabled ? 1 : 0; } else { if (!(WFAD.pendingChanges['whitelistedURLParams'] instanceof Object)) { WFAD.pendingChanges['whitelistedURLParams'] = {}; } if (!(WFAD.pendingChanges['whitelistedURLParams']['enabled'] instanceof Object)) { WFAD.pendingChanges['whitelistedURLParams']['enabled'] = {}; } WFAD.pendingChanges['whitelistedURLParams']['enabled'][key] = !!enabled ? 1 : 0; } $(this).find('.wf-whitelist-item-enabled.wf-option-checkbox').toggleClass('wf-checked', !!enabled); }); }, wafWhitelistedBulkDelete: function() { $('.wf-whitelist-table-bulk-checkbox.wf-option-checkbox.wf-checked').each(function() { $(this).closest('tr').find('.wf-whitelist-item-enabled.wf-option-checkbox').each(function() { var tr = $(this).closest('tr'); if (tr.is(':visible')) { WFAD.wafWhitelistedDelete(tr.data('key')); } }); }); }, wafWhitelistedDelete: function(key) { $('#waf-whitelisted-urls-wrapper .whitelist-table > tbody > tr[data-key="' + key + '"]').each(function() { var adding = !!$(this).data('adding'); if (adding) { delete WFAD.pendingChanges['whitelistedURLParams']['add'][key]; } else { if (!(WFAD.pendingChanges['whitelistedURLParams'] instanceof Object)) { WFAD.pendingChanges['whitelistedURLParams'] = {}; } if (!(WFAD.pendingChanges['whitelistedURLParams']['delete'] instanceof Object)) { WFAD.pendingChanges['whitelistedURLParams']['delete'] = {}; } WFAD.pendingChanges['whitelistedURLParams']['delete'][key] = 1; } for (var i = 0; i < WFAD.wafData.whitelistedURLParams.length; i++) { var testKey = WFAD.wafData.whitelistedURLParams[i].path + '|' + WFAD.wafData.whitelistedURLParams[i].paramKey; if (testKey == key) { WFAD.wafData.whitelistedURLParams.splice(i, 1); break; } } }); }, wafConfigPageRender: function() { WFAD.wafData.ruleCount = 0; if (WFAD.wafData.rules) { WFAD.wafData.ruleCount = Object.keys(WFAD.wafData.rules).length; } var whitelistedIPsEl = $('#waf-whitelisted-urls-tmpl').tmpl(WFAD.wafData); $('#waf-whitelisted-urls-wrapper').html(whitelistedIPsEl); var rulesEl = $('#waf-rules-tmpl').tmpl(WFAD.wafData); $('#waf-rules-wrapper').html(rulesEl); $('#waf-show-all-rules-button').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); $('#waf-rules-wrapper').addClass('wf-show-all'); }); if (WFAD.wafData['rulesLastUpdated']) { var date = new Date(WFAD.wafData['rulesLastUpdated'] * 1000); WFAD.renderWAFRulesLastUpdated(date); } $(window).trigger('wordfenceWAFConfigPageRender'); }, renderWAFRulesLastUpdated: function(date) { var dateString = date.toString(); if (date.toLocaleString) { dateString = date.toLocaleString(); } $('#waf-rules-last-updated').text(sprintf(__('Last Updated: %s'), dateString)) .css({ 'opacity': 0 }) .animate({ 'opacity': 1 }, 500); }, renderWAFRulesNextUpdate: function(date) { var dateString = date.toString(); if (date.toLocaleString) { dateString = date.toLocaleString(); } $('#waf-rules-next-update').text(sprintf(__('Next Update Check: %s'), dateString)) .css({ 'opacity': 0 }) .animate({ 'opacity': 1 }, 500); }, wafUpdateRules: function(onSuccess) { var self = this; this.ajax('wordfence_updateWAFRules', {}, function(res) { self.wafData = res; self.restoreWAFData.rules = res.rules; self.restoreWAFData.rulesLastUpdated = res.rulesLastUpdated; self.wafConfigPageRender(); if (self.wafData['updated']) { if (!self.wafData['isPaid']) { self.colorboxModalHTML((self.isSmallScreen ? '300px' : '400px'), __('Rules Updated'), __('Your rules have been updated successfully. You are currently using the free version of Wordfence. Upgrade to Wordfence premium to have your rules updated automatically as new threats emerge. <a href="https://www.wordfence.com/wafUpdateRules1/wordfence-signup/">Click here to purchase a premium license</a>. <em>Note: Your rules will still update every 30 days as a free user.</em>')); } else { self.colorboxModal((self.isSmallScreen ? '300px' : '400px'), __('Rules Updated'), __('Your rules have been updated successfully.')); } } else { if (self.wafData['failure'] == 'ratelimit') { self.colorboxModal((self.isSmallScreen ? '300px' : '400px'), __('Rule Update Failed'), __('No rules were updated. Your website has reached the maximum number of rule update requests. Please try again later.')); } else if (self.wafData['failure'] == 'unreachable') { self.colorboxModal((self.isSmallScreen ? '300px' : '400px'), __('Rule Update Failed'), __('No rules were updated. Please verify your website can reach the Wordfence servers.')); } else { self.colorboxModal((self.isSmallScreen ? '300px' : '400px'), __('Rule Update Failed'), __('No rules were updated. Please verify you have permissions to write to the /wp-content/wflogs directory.')); } } if (typeof onSuccess === 'function') { return onSuccess.apply(this, arguments); } }); }, dateFormat: function(date) { if (date instanceof Date) { if (date.toLocaleString) { return date.toLocaleString(); } return date.toString(); } return date; }, confirmWAFConfigureAutoPrepend: function() { var self = this; this.ajax('wordfence_wafConfigureAutoPrepend', {}, function(res) { self.colorboxModal((self.isSmallScreen ? '300px' : '400px'), __('.htaccess Updated'), __("Your .htaccess has been updated successfully. Please verify your site is functioning normally.")); }); }, updatePendingChanges: function() { $(window).off('beforeunload', WFAD._unsavedOptionsHandler); if (Object.keys(WFAD.pendingChanges).length) { $('#wf-cancel-changes').removeClass('wf-disabled'); $('#wf-save-changes').removeClass('wf-disabled'); $(window).on('beforeunload', WFAD._unsavedOptionsHandler); } else { $('#wf-cancel-changes').addClass('wf-disabled'); $('#wf-save-changes').addClass('wf-disabled'); } }, _unsavedOptionsHandler: function(e) { var message = __("You have unsaved changes to your options. If you leave this page, those changes will be lost."); //Only shows on older browsers, newer browsers don't allow message customization e = e || window.event; if (e) { e.returnValue = message; //IE and Firefox } return message; //Others }, setOption: function(key, value, successCallback, failureCallback, failureAfterModal) { var changes = {}; changes[key] = value; this.ajax('wordfence_saveOptions', {changes: JSON.stringify(changes), page: WFAD.getParameterByName('page')}, function(res) { if (res.success) { typeof successCallback == 'function' && successCallback(res); } else { failureAfterModal = typeof failureAfterModal !== 'undefined' && failureAfterModal; var modalSettings = {}; if (failureAfterModal) modalSettings.onClosed = failureCallback; WFAD.colorboxModal((self.isSmallScreen ? '300px' : '400px'), __('Error Saving Option'), res.error, modalSettings); if (!failureAfterModal) typeof failureCallback == 'function' && failureCallback(res); } }); }, saveOptions: function(successCallback, failureCallback) { if (!Object.keys(WFAD.pendingChanges).length) { return; } var self = this; this.ajax('wordfence_saveOptions', {changes: JSON.stringify(WFAD.pendingChanges), page: WFAD.getParameterByName('page')}, function(res) { if (res.success) { typeof successCallback == 'function' && successCallback(res); } else { WFAD.colorboxModal((self.isSmallScreen ? '300px' : '400px'), __('Error Saving Options'), res.error); typeof failureCallback == 'function' && failureCallback } }); }, enableAllOptionsPage: function() { this.ajax('wordfence_enableAllOptionsPage', {}, function(res) { if (res.redirect) { window.location.href = res.redirect; } else { WFAD.colorboxModal((self.isSmallScreen ? '300px' : '400px'), __('Error Enabling All Options Page'), res.error); } }); }, getParameterByName: function(name, url) { if (!url) url = window.location.href; name = name.replace(/[\[\]]/g, "\\$&"); var regex = new RegExp("[?&]" + name + "(=([^&#]*)|&|#|$)"), results = regex.exec(url); if (!results) return null; if (!results[2]) return ''; return decodeURIComponent(results[2].replace(/\+/g, " ")); }, base64_decode: function(s) { var e = {}, i, b = 0, c, x, l = 0, a, r = '', w = String.fromCharCode, L = s.length; var A = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"; for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) { e[A.charAt(i)] = i; } for (x = 0; x < L; x++) { c = e[s.charAt(x)]; b = (b << 6) + c; l += 6; while (l >= 8) { ((a = (b >>> (l -= 8)) & 0xff) || (x < (L - 2))) && (r += w(a)); } } return r; }, base64_encode: function (input) { var chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/="; var output = ""; var chr1, chr2, chr3, enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4; var i = 0; while (i < input.length) { chr1 = input.charCodeAt(i++); chr2 = input.charCodeAt(i++); chr3 = input.charCodeAt(i++); enc1 = chr1 >> 2; enc2 = ((chr1 & 3) << 4) | (chr2 >> 4); enc3 = ((chr2 & 15) << 2) | (chr3 >> 6); enc4 = chr3 & 63; if (isNaN(chr2)) { enc3 = enc4 = 64; } else if (isNaN(chr3)) { enc4 = 64; } output = output + chars.charAt(enc1) + chars.charAt(enc2) + chars.charAt(enc3) + chars.charAt(enc4); } return output; } }; window['WFAD'] = window['wordfenceAdmin']; setInterval(function() { WFAD.updateTimeAgo(); }, 1000); } __ = window.wfi18n.__; sprintf = window.wfi18n.sprintf; jQuery(function() { wordfenceAdmin.init(); jQuery(window).on('focus', function() { if (jQuery('body').hasClass('wordfenceLiveActivityPaused')) { jQuery('body').removeClass('wordfenceLiveActivityPaused'); } }); }); $(function() { $('#wf-mobile-controls').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); $.wfMobileMenu({ menuItems: [ {title: __('Save Changes'), primary: true, disabled: $('#wf-save-changes').hasClass('wf-disabled'), action: function() { $('#wf-save-changes').trigger('click'); }}, {title: __('Cancel Changes'), primary: false, disabled: $('#wf-cancel-changes').hasClass('wf-disabled'), action: function() { $('#wf-cancel-changes').trigger('click'); }}, {title: __('Restore Defaults'), primary: false, disabled: $('#wf-restore-defaults').hasClass('wf-disabled'), action: function() { $('#wf-restore-defaults').trigger('click'); }} ] }); }); $('#wf-restore-defaults').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); var restoreDefaultsSection = $(this).data('restoreDefaultsSection'); var prompt = $('#wfTmpl_restoreDefaultsPrompt').tmpl(); var promptHTML = $("<div />").append(prompt).html(); WFAD.colorboxHTML((WFAD.isSmallScreen ? '300px' : '400px'), promptHTML, {overlayClose: false, closeButton: false, className: 'wf-modal', onComplete: function() { $('#wf-restore-defaults-prompt-cancel').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); WFAD.colorboxClose(); }); $('#wf-restore-defaults-prompt-confirm').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); WFAD.ajax('wordfence_restoreDefaults', {section: restoreDefaultsSection}, function(res) { if (res.success) { window.location.reload(true); } else { WFAD.colorboxClose(); WFAD.colorboxModal((WFAD.isSmallScreen ? '300px' : '400px'), __('Error Restoring Defaults'), res.error); } }); }); }}); }); $('#wf-save-changes').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); WFAD.saveOptions(function(res) { WFAD.pendingChanges = {}; WFAD.updatePendingChanges(); if (res.redirect) { window.location.href = res.redirect; } else { window.location.reload(true); } }); }); $('#wf-cancel-changes').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); WFAD.pendingChanges = {}; WFAD.updatePendingChanges(); //On/Off options $('.wf-option.wf-option-toggled').each(function() { var enabledValue = $(this).data('enabledValue'); var disabledValue = $(this).data('disabledValue'); var originalValue = $(this).data('originalValue'); if (enabledValue == originalValue) { $(this).find('.wf-option-checkbox').addClass('wf-checked').attr('aria-checked', 'true'); } else { $(this).find('.wf-option-checkbox').removeClass('wf-checked').attr('aria-checked', 'false'); } $(this).trigger('change', [true]); }); $('.wf-option-toggled-boolean-switch').each(function() { var enabledValue = $(this).data('enabledValue'); var disabledValue = $(this).data('disabledValue'); var originalValue = $(this).data('originalValue'); if (enabledValue == originalValue) { $(this).find('.wf-boolean-switch').addClass('wf-active').attr('aria-checked', 'true'); } else { $(this).find('.wf-boolean-switch').removeClass('wf-active').attr('aria-checked', 'false'); } $(this).trigger('change', [true]); }); $('.wf-option.wf-option-toggled-segmented').each(function() { var originalValue = $(this).data('originalValue'); $(this).find('[type=radio]').each(function() { if (this.value == originalValue) { this.checked = true; return false; } }); $(this).trigger('change', [true]); }); //On/Off multiple options $('.wf-option.wf-option-toggled-multiple').each(function() { $(this).find('.wf-option-checkboxes > ul').each(function() { var enabledValue = $(this).data('enabledValue'); var disabledValue = $(this).data('disabledValue'); var originalValue = $(this).data('originalValue'); if (enabledValue == originalValue) { $(this).find('.wf-option-checkbox').addClass('wf-checked').attr('aria-checked', 'true'); } else { $(this).find('.wf-option-checkbox').removeClass('wf-checked').attr('aria-checked', 'false'); } }); $(this).trigger('change', [true]); }); //On/Off options with menu $('.wf-option.wf-option-toggled-select').each(function() { var selectElement = $(this).find('.wf-option-select select'); var enabledToggleValue = $(this).data('enabledToggleValue'); var disabledToggleValue = $(this).data('disabledToggleValue'); var originalToggleValue = $(this).data('originalToggleValue'); if (enabledToggleValue == originalToggleValue) { $(this).find('.wf-option-checkbox').addClass('wf-checked').attr('aria-checked', 'true'); selectElement.attr('disabled', false); } else { $(this).find('.wf-option-checkbox').removeClass('wf-checked').attr('aria-checked', 'false'); selectElement.attr('disabled', true); } var originalSelectValue = $(this).data('originalSelectValue'); $(this).find('.wf-option-select select').val(originalSelectValue).trigger('change'); $(this).trigger('change', [true]); }); //Menu options $('.wf-option.wf-option-select').each(function() { var originalSelectValue = $(this).data('originalSelectValue'); $(this).find('.wf-option-select select').val(originalSelectValue).trigger('change'); $(this).trigger('change', [true]); }); //Text options $('.wf-option.wf-option-text').each(function() { var originalTextValue = $(this).data('originalTextValue'); if (typeof originalTextValue !== 'undefined') { $(this).find('.wf-option-text input').val(originalTextValue); } $(this).trigger('change', [true]); }); //Text area options $('.wf-option.wf-option-textarea').each(function() { var originalTextValue = $(this).data('originalTextValue'); $(this).find('.wf-option-textarea textarea').val(originalTextValue); $(this).trigger('change', [true]); }); //Token options $('.wf-option.wf-option-token').each(function() { var originalTokenValue = $(this).data('originalTokenValue'); $(this).find('select').val(originalTokenValue).trigger('change'); $(this).trigger('change', [true]); }); //Switch options $('.wf-option.wf-option-switch').each(function() { var originalValue = $(this).data('originalValue'); $(this).find('.wf-switch > li').each(function() { $(this).toggleClass('wf-active', originalValue == $(this).data('optionValue')).attr('aria-checked', originalValue == $(this).data('optionValue') ? 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