File "WPMessagePresenter.php"
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namespace Yoast\WHIPv2\Presenters;
use Yoast\WHIPv2\Interfaces\Message;
use Yoast\WHIPv2\Interfaces\MessagePresenter;
use Yoast\WHIPv2\MessageDismisser;
use Yoast\WHIPv2\WPMessageDismissListener;
* A message presenter to show a WordPress notice.
* @phpcs:disable Yoast.NamingConventions.ObjectNameDepth.MaxExceeded -- Sniff does not count acronyms correctly.
class WPMessagePresenter implements MessagePresenter {
* The string to show to dismiss the message.
* @var string
private $dismissMessage;
* The message to be displayed.
* @var Message
private $message;
* Dismisser object.
* @var MessageDismisser
private $dismisser;
* WPMessagePresenter constructor.
* @param Message $message The message to use in the presenter.
* @param MessageDismisser $dismisser Dismisser object.
* @param string $dismissMessage The copy to show to dismiss the message.
public function __construct( Message $message, MessageDismisser $dismisser, $dismissMessage ) {
$this->message = $message;
$this->dismisser = $dismisser;
$this->dismissMessage = $dismissMessage;
* Registers hooks to WordPress.
* This is a separate function so you can control when the hooks are registered.
* @return void
public function registerHooks() {
\add_action( 'admin_notices', array( $this, 'renderMessage' ) );
* Renders the messages present in the global to notices.
* @return void
public function renderMessage() {
$dismissListener = new WPMessageDismissListener( $this->dismisser );
if ( $this->dismisser->isDismissed() ) {
$dismissButton = \sprintf(
'<a href="%2$s">%1$s</a>',
\esc_html( $this->dismissMessage ),
\esc_url( $dismissListener->getDismissURL() )
// phpcs:disable WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped -- output correctly escaped directly above and in the `kses()` method.
'<div class="error"><p>%1$s</p><p>%2$s</p></div>',
$this->kses( $this->message->body() ),
// phpcs:enable
* Removes content from the message that we don't want to show.
* @param string $message The message to clean.
* @return string The cleaned message.
public function kses( $message ) {
return \wp_kses(
'a' => array(
'href' => true,
'target' => true,
'strong' => true,
'p' => true,
'ul' => true,
'li' => true,