Tag: Tour de France

  • Candidate, to facilitate meeting to Tour de France

    Candidate, to facilitate meeting to Tour de France

    July 26, 2013: UCI Presidential Candidate Brian Cookson today confirmed that he is currently facilitating a meeting with ASO, the Tour de France owners, and leading female riders to explore the possibility of setting up a similar women’s race. In addition he announced that the delivery partner for the 2014 Tour of Britain will also…

  • Jan Ullrich found guilty of an anti-doping rule violation by the CAS

    Lausanne-Switzerland, Feb 09, 2012: The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) has rendered its decision in the arbitration between the Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI) and the German cyclist Jan Ullrich & Swiss Olympic. The CAS has partially upheld the appeal filed by the UCI and has found Jan guilty of a doping offence. As a consequence, Jan is…