Tag: Tom Liebscher

  • German giants in Canoe Sprint World Cup

    Hungary, May 25, 2014: Germany’s Max Hoff and Sebastian Brendel each completed the 2014 ICF Canoe Sprint World Cup series with a 100% record in their respective events as the action concluded in Szeged, Hungary on Sunday 25 May. Hoff dominated the K1 Men 1000m and Brendel was equally impressive over the C1 Men 1000m.…

  • World’s Fastest Paddlers in Canoe Sprint World

    World’s Fastest Paddlers in Canoe Sprint World

    Lausanne, May 16, 2014: Racice in the Czech Republic is the destination for the world’s fastest paddlers who are set to compete in the second ICF Canoe Sprint World Cup from the 16-19 May. The event is, again, headlined with an illustrious array of talent including World and Olympic Champions, as well as many emerging…