Tag: ECSS Amsterdam 2014
ESSA-ECSS research exchanged Amsterdam 2014
Cologne – Germany, July 30, 2014: At ECSS Amsterdam 2014 the ESSA – ECSS exchange program delegate was Rachel Climie from the University of Tasmania, Australia. She was awarded with Aspire Academy Young Investigator for Exercise and Health. As part of the award ESSA send her to ECSS Amsterdam 2014 to present her research in…
19th annual Congress of the ECSS
Amsterdam – Netherlands, July 9, 2014: 19th annual Congress, The 19th annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, ECSS Amsterdam 2014, was the second largest congress in the history of the ECSS. Amsterdam provided a unique setting for this spectacular scientific event “sport science around the canals”. When looking back at this most…